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Thread: Am i just too old?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Am i just too old?

    oK, I know I am a little old fashioned, I still use actual real charts, those printed on paper, to fly to Oskosh every year, just like I did the first time 38 years ago, and believe it or not, they havent moved Oshkosh or even Iowa or Wisconsin in all those decades, either I am very lucky or it is in the same place as it was in 1980. And if it was cheaper, Id probably have a gps with moving map in my Bonanza. I even own and use a cell phone, on which my friends who only own cell phones call me and we can sort of hear each other some of the time, until I get them to call back on my real phone.
    Im having a hard time finding new skis to buy, all the young people tell me how fine their short, fat, rocker tip with stiff tails are. but I demoed two and even fell once, first time in years. My conventional red Atomic 220 downhill skis, that I won two races on ,are still in the closet. Sometimes I'm on them again, 70 mph at the bottom of a race course, until morning wakes me up. Ans my knee never hurts in a dream. I just had an IPC with a nice young CFI who talked about how special it is to fly his Dad's "Mustang" but what he means is a Cessna, and what I mean when I say Mustang is a big Packard Merlin engine and a 4 bladed prop controlled by the pilot with a stick, not a computer, and when you land the linemen want a photo not just to "drain the lav." And the A F Academy invites Merlins to do a fly over at the Notre Dame game, never heard of that with a Cessna.
    So maybe I am mostly of another age, hey sailing ships were great for a long time before steam took over.
    But yesterday I see a short piece on the internet about how there are going to be male danceleaders performing at the Super Bowl, and the young men look very proud of themselves in the clip. Somehow I just couldn't feel the thrill, not that they don't have the right to. I'm all for cheerleaders, two of my favorites in high school were Jan and Donna, and Ginger in college, but like the word "Mustang" I have a traditional image of them.
    Am I just too old? Or do I need an exorcism to come up to date? I do see the Dr .Pepper commercials with football games and they taste as good as when I was growing up.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 01-31-2019 at 10:17 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Kansas City
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    oK, I know I am a little old fashioned ...
    Am I just too old?
    Yes - welcome to the club!

  3. #3
    DaleB's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Things change. Some things we're free to keep doing the old way, at least for a while, like paper charts. Some things will never go back to the way they were before.

    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
    Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Too Old? No, but you may be missing a bit of perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    oK, I know I am a little old fashioned, I still use actual real charts, those printed on paper, to fly to Oskosh every year, just like I did the first time 38 years ago, and believe it or not, they havent moved Oshkosh or even Iowa or Wisconsin in all those decades, either I am very lucky or it is in the same place as it was in 1980. And if it was cheaper, Id probably have a gps with moving map in my Bonanza. I even own and use a cell phone, on which my friends who only own cell phones call me and we can sort of hear each other some of the time, until I get them to call back on my real phone.
    I don't keep 100% up to date on paper, I use apps, for the same reason I use a cell phone instead of a landline. I like money. Specifically, I dislike anything that encroaches into my flying budget. That is why I don't spend $30/month on a landline, that is why I don't spend $100s a year on having the most up to date paper when, for VFR, Avare can meet the requirement for free. Also, read your charts a little closer, if you compare one from 38 years ago, magnetic north has moved.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Im having a hard time finding new skis to buy, all the young people tell me how fine their short, fat, rocker tip with stiff tails are. but I demoed two and even fell once, first time in years. My conventional red Atomic 220 downhill skis, that I won two races on ,are still in the closet. Sometimes I'm on them again, 70 mph at the bottom of a race course, until morning wakes me up. Ans my knee never hurts in a dream.
    You are a pilot. You should know better than anyone that new equipment will perform differently and require some retraining. By this argument, an F18 is worse in a combat role than a P-51 just because it lands differently.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    I just had an IPC with a nice young CFI who talked about how special it is to fly his Dad's "Mustang" but what he means is a Cessna, and what I mean when I say Mustang is a big Packard Merlin engine and a 4 bladed prop controlled by the pilot with a stick, not a computer, and when you land the linemen want a photo not just to "drain the lav." And the A F Academy invites Merlins to do a fly over at the Notre Dame game, never heard of that with a Cessna.
    So maybe I am mostly of another age, hey sailing ships were great for a long time before steam took over.
    Just to note, regardless of what it's called, you just belittled someone who enjoys spending time with his dad in his dad's plane. As someone who did not come up in a flying family, I would have loved to spend time with my dad in his plane. I am guessing at some point you spent time with your dad in a plane, how would you feel if some kid belittled that time just because of what you called the plane?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    But yesterday I see a short piece on the internet about how there are going to be male danceleaders performing at the Super Bowl, and the young men look very proud of themselves in the clip. Somehow I just couldn't feel the thrill, not that they don't have the right to. I'm all for cheerleaders, two of my favorites in high school were Jan and Donna, and Ginger in college, but like the word "Mustang" I have a traditional image of them.
    Am I just too old? Or do I need an exorcism to come up to date? I do see the Dr .Pepper commercials with football games and they taste as good as when I was growing up.
    You have enjoyed watching cheerleaders for years, why not let your wife have some of the fun?
    Last edited by Sam Oleson; 02-01-2019 at 02:15 PM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I certainly didn't belittle anyone for enjoying flying with their Dad or doing anything else with their Dad. I loved flying with my kids, who have been to Osh many times. and teaching them to ski, up to about 10 years old when my Son beat me in a ski race for the first time ( hey I had rental skis!). My Son raced the same place and course as Lindsey Vonn as a kid and he says he could beat her when they were 13.
    Maybe I miswrote it , but my only point is that calling a Cessna passenger jet a Mustang is a big stretch. They should have come up with their own name, not tried to play on an historic icon. The CFI is lucky his DAD owes a plane and a very neat one as I hear a Citation is, and the he gets to fly their company plane. By the way his Dad is an ex combat medic as well as a pilot. Its short of like the turboprop trainer calling itself a T6, the name doesn't make the plane. I can barely recall anything about my couple of hours of jet time, but my P51 time is fresh as if it was last week.
    And my topic was meant to be humorous, don't read it so uptight.

  6. #6
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DaleB View Post
    Things change. Some things we're free to keep doing the old way, at least for a while, like paper charts. Some things will never go back to the way they were before.

    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
    Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
    The tusks which clashed in mighty brawls
    Of mastodons, are billiard balls.

    The sword of Charlemagne the Just
    Is Ferric Oxide, known as rust.

    The grizzly bear, whose potent hug,
    Was feared by all, is now a rug.

    Great Caesar's bust is on the shelf,
    And I don't feel so well myself.

    - Arthur Guiterman

    Ron Wanttaja

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Oklahoma City, OK
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    oK, I know I am a little old fashioned, I still use actual real charts, those printed on paper, to fly to Oskosh every year, just like I did the first time 38 years ago, and believe it or not, they havent moved Oshkosh or even Iowa or Wisconsin in all those decades, either I am very lucky or it is in the same place as it was in 1980. And if it was cheaper, Id probably have a gps with moving map in my Bonanza. I even own and use a cell phone, on which my friends who only own cell phones call me and we can sort of hear each other some of the time, until I get them to call back on my real phone.
    Im having a hard time finding new skis to buy, all the young people tell me how fine their short, fat, rocker tip with stiff tails are. but I demoed two and even fell once, first time in years. My conventional red Atomic 220 downhill skis, that I won two races on ,are still in the closet. Sometimes I'm on them again, 70 mph at the bottom of a race course, until morning wakes me up. Ans my knee never hurts in a dream. I just had an IPC with a nice young CFI who talked about how special it is to fly his Dad's "Mustang" but what he means is a Cessna, and what I mean when I say Mustang is a big Packard Merlin engine and a 4 bladed prop controlled by the pilot with a stick, not a computer, and when you land the linemen want a photo not just to "drain the lav." And the A F Academy invites Merlins to do a fly over at the Notre Dame game, never heard of that with a Cessna.
    So maybe I am mostly of another age, hey sailing ships were great for a long time before steam took over.
    But yesterday I see a short piece on the internet about how there are going to be male danceleaders performing at the Super Bowl, and the young men look very proud of themselves in the clip. Somehow I just couldn't feel the thrill, not that they don't have the right to. I'm all for cheerleaders, two of my favorites in high school were Jan and Donna, and Ginger in college, but like the word "Mustang" I have a traditional image of them.
    Am I just too old? Or do I need an exorcism to come up to date? I do see the Dr .Pepper commercials with football games and they taste as good as when I was growing up.

    Well...…..I enjoyed reading it. I can actually relate to some of it, like the paper "maps". Shoot, I still use the atlas and maps on the highways.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I think a lot of it has to do with what kind of flying one is doing.

    For example, I'm very much a short hop or "local" kind of pilot into and out of uncontrolled airfields; it's all I want to do and I'm very happy with it.

    So the "bells and whistles" of technology is nice, but not really necessary for me. I alternate between paper and digital charts, depending on whether or not I remembered to charge the tablet. My "magenta line" is a series of rivers, power lines, roads, and landmarks.

    Does that make me a dinosaur, even though I'm fairly new to aviation? Hardly.

    As to male cheerleaders, our good friends who are also Aggies will tell one it's not such a bad thing and doesn't detract from the game in the least.
    The opinions and statements of this poster are largely based on facts and portray a possible version of the actual events.

  9. #9

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    Jul 2011
    Alabama may be different, but in Texas we don't have "good friends who are also Aggies " and if we did have such a lapse in standards we would never admit in public.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Maybe I miswrote it , but my only point is that calling a Cessna passenger jet a Mustang is a big stretch. They should have come up with their own name, not tried to play on an historic icon. The CFI is lucky his DAD owes a plane and a very neat one as I hear a Citation is, and the he gets to fly their company plane. By the way his Dad is an ex combat medic as well as a pilot. Its short of like the turboprop trainer calling itself a T6, the name doesn't make the plane.
    Names or model designations have been duplicated for a long time - take the Grumman F4F versus the F4 Phantom, for one example. The Cessna C-172 Skyhawk is certainly not a Douglas A-4 Skyhawk either. Oh well.

    Perhaps we should feel fortunate to have lived so long as to be able to see these repeated names and designations.

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