I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. It’s been a trying and challenging year from lots of viewpoints for our country. Here’s hoping that you can spend cherished time with loved ones this Thanksgiving and truly reflect on what’s important. My Dad and I have the 182 packed and loaded with toys for our annual toys for tots donation. Pending a break in the weather this weekend, we will be delivering them. I encourage all EAAers to get involved in your communities this Holiday Season. There are so many people who desperately need our help. So many of our communities have been absolutely devastated by extreme poverty, global warming induced disasters, hunger, homelessness and a total lack of quality and affordable health care. As Pilots and EAAers it’s never been more important to find a cause that’s near and dear to your heart and put everything you can into making our world a better place. “Be your brother’s keeper and do onto others as you would want others to do onto you” Words to live by from my Grandpa who served in the USAAF 8th Air Force ETO in WWII. I apply it to my life everyday. Maybe you guys can draw some inspiration from it as well So Have a Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your families and take some time to really reflect on just how fortunate we are as Pilots and Aircraft Owners and what we can do to Pay it Forward!!