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Thread: tariffs -

  1. #1
    Jim Heffelfinger's Avatar
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    Sacramento, California, United States

    tariffs -

    This from the boating industry...... a parallel industry

    I was hoping to see more actual information from others on how the tariffs are effecting them and NOT point fingers. Just the Effect of the tariffs.
    BUT I see we can't
    Last edited by Jim Heffelfinger; 08-18-2018 at 10:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Jim, so you want to ressurect your original tariffs thread from last June. That you'll recall ended in the mods doing a lock out.

    Of course none of this comes as any surprise, at least not to me. This is exactly what happens with retaliatory tariffs. Companies lose sales and oodles of revenue and the poor shmuck workers who have no skin in the game, lose their jobs through no fault of their own except for the fact that they more than likely voted for the guy that has caused their demise.

    And one other thing, I don't agree that boating is a parallel industry to GA. Boating is very affordable to a greater number of people.

  3. #3
    It's Trump's fault we have huge trade deficits. Guess who will win a trade war.

  4. #4

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    C'mon guys... There are a gazillion places on the interweb to talk politics. Why polarize an airplane site with this?

  5. #5
    Jim Heffelfinger's Avatar
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    Sacramento, California, United States
    I had so hoped that we could just talk about how the tariffs would effect us. I see that cannot happen.

  6. #6
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Heffelfinger View Post
    I had so hoped that we could just talk about how the tariffs would effect us. I see that cannot happen.
    It's really tough to do. Those in favor of a political action will be less likely to believe the action has negative consequences, and those against it will be more critical.

    Old Klingon proverb: "If you do not want something said, then do not say it."

    Ron Wanttaja

  7. #7
    Jim Heffelfinger's Avatar
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    I was hoping for the sharing of information on material costs, businesses cutting back items in the catalogs, increase prices on support, OEM price increases etc. I have requested moderator action to remove both threads.

  8. #8

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    I just heard a radio talk yesterday about tariff effects on air conditioners. A lady in Austin had her unit go out in 100+ heat and while she was able to get a new one installed in days, the price was 10% or so higher which the company attributed wholly and directly to new tariffs on metal, used in the units. I dont know much about tariffs despite my degree in finance/economics, just never considered that we might have such a trade war. I dont know who they help, I met a farmer at Oshkosh who said they hurt his business. Im sure the hurt the airplane builders as well as auto manufactures.

  9. #9
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Heffelfinger View Post
    I was hoping for the sharing of information on material costs, businesses cutting back items in the catalogs, increase prices on support, OEM price increases etc.
    The problems is, even that kind of information doesn't really reflect on the effect of a tariff.

    Take XYZ aircraft manufacturer, building aluminum aircraft. Their profit margin isn't real great (whose is?). An announcement of a tariff would be an ideal excuse to jack the prices up. They don't even have to announce that that was the reason...the risk of being Harley-Davissoned is obvious. They can just smile politely and say generic comments ("The price increase was previously planned"..."Labor costs have risen", etc.). Those on one side will nod knowingly and say, "Hey, look what tariffs are doing," and those on the other side will say, "Hey, the prices didn't go up because of tariffs."

    Bill's story is a classic example of that. Wanna bet that the air conditioner the woman in Austin paid 10% more for was already in a US stockroom when the tariffs were announced?

    Tariffs have their place; sadly, their place would have been 40-50 years ago. The light industry we lost to overseas competition isn't coming back.

    Ron Wanttaja

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by waltermitty View Post
    It's Trump's fault we have huge trade deficits. Guess who will win a trade war.
    Want to get this thread locked? Because writing obviously uniformed and ridiculous statements like this is what gets threads like this locked.
    The opinions and statements of this poster are largely based on facts and portray a possible version of the actual events.

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