Pardon if this has been discussed already but I don't see it.

What was going on Sunday with the Fisk arrival? It was a mid-air waiting to happen. Granted that weather on Saturday pushed a lot of arrivals to Sunday but:

1. They were sending people past Fisk at 1 mile in trail. It's always been 1/2 mile and they switched back to 1/2 mile on Monday. That cuts the arrivals in half.
2. People at the airport said that the arrival pace was slower than past years. Sure, because they were spaced at 1 mile. What happened to simultaneous landing on the numbers + a dot? Do they really think that having a hundred planes milling around of Rush and Green lakse is safer than the procedure they've used for years?
3. Several times the Fisk controllers said they were down to 1 runway? Why? There were no landing accidents.

I hope next year is better.