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Thread: Oshkosh 2018: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

  1. #21
    CarlOrton's Avatar
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    DFW Area
    It's security theater. My backpack has about 8 zippered compartments. I opened the two bigguns and they waved me thru. Glad I didn't have to open the pouch with the C4. And that was just a joke to illustrate how they're not going to catch anything but satisfy the worriers that you HAVE to do SOMETHING.

    Carl Orton
    Sonex #1170 / Zenith 750 Cruzer

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Marietta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by CarlOrton View Post
    It's security theater. My backpack has about 8 zippered compartments. I opened the two bigguns and they waved me thru. Glad I didn't have to open the pouch with the C4. And that was just a joke to illustrate how they're not going to catch anything but satisfy the worriers that you HAVE to do SOMETHING.
    I think EAA's security does a reasonable job of discouraging Ma and Pa Kettle (the locals) from bringing hooch and firearms to the show. Regular attendees (mainly the ones who fly-in) probably figure out over time that the security has weaknesses, but those of us who fly in probably don't represent a threat.

  3. #23

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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by CarlOrton View Post
    It's security theater. My backpack has about 8 zippered compartments. I opened the two bigguns and they waved me thru. Glad I didn't have to open the pouch with the C4. And that was just a joke to illustrate how they're not going to catch anything but satisfy the worriers that you HAVE to do SOMETHING.
    The bag that I carry around has 6 compartments, and one of the times I went through the gate, they opened every single one of them. A couple of them are barely big enough to fit my left hand in, much less alcohol or a firearm, so I guess I'm not sure what they're looking for.

  4. #24

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    Clarklake, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle Boatright View Post
    I think EAA's security does a reasonable job of discouraging Ma and Pa Kettle (the locals) from bringing hooch and firearms to the show. Regular attendees (mainly the ones who fly-in) probably figure out over time that the security has weaknesses, but those of us who fly in probably don't represent a threat.
    isn't that profiling?

  5. #25
    MEdwards's Avatar
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    Good: I thought the trams and the buses ran very well this year. I didn't experience any unreasonable delays all week. The South 40 bus ran more regularly than in past years, I think, and was much appreciated (except as below).
    They parked me in the next to the last row in Vintage, in the South 40, think it was Row 158. The facilities and the little store down there were surprisingly good.

    Bad: The end of the line for the South 40 bus was 20-25 rows from the last row. If they are going to park people that far south, they should pave the road so the bus can go all the way down there. Volunteers helped out with golf carts some of the time, also much appreciated, but not on a regular basis.

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    1. It's Oshkosh: The EAA Team really has the week very finely honed. They bring in the sponsors to help fund the event while also bringing interests that appeal to a large group. Who doesn't give Ford and Honda a thumbs up.
    2. The Forums: I didn't count, but, how do you garner the immensity in shear numbers of topics and presenters? Then decide who gets a microphone and which stage? I'm one of those that totally enjoys these. NO, sometimes they don't hold my interest and at other times I can't believe an hour has already passed. My hat is off to the Forums committee.
    3. Cost: Of course you can go to an Air Force Base and watch an airshow for free. But, all you will see is an airshow and a few static displays. Oshkosh, ahem, Airventure, brings you so much more for you dollar. Only you can determine if it is worth your money. For me, it is. And, of course, friends and others you meet along the way? Priceless.
    4. Transportation: Again, finely honed. You can catch a bus to Fon du Loc or the Target Store or the University for a fraction of a taxi or uber. Of course the trams are crowded at certain stops. Of course, you can't rent a golf cart. Of course you can't bring your private vehicle onto the grounds. I like those "can'ts".
    5. Webcams: Awesome!!! And they have improved every year!
    6. Location: Central US. Far enough north that you don't get the sweltering heat and humidity.
    7. Oshkosh. A beautiful city that flat turns it on every year.
    8. Volunteers. Holy Moley the Volunteers. I know, some are paid, but, oh so many are not paid. Obviously the EAA is doing something right that brings these Volunteers back year after year.
    8. The grounds. I've seen more trash scattered about a 300 ft trail at the Grand Canyon than I've seen at the entire airfield during six and a half days. I don't know who picks up all the trash and when they do it, but, trust me, our society is not this clean.
    9. I like the focus back to homebuilding. Thank You Mr. Pelton!!!!
    10. Not walking past, (as in years past) such nonsense as mechanical bull riding and the "carney" man on the stupid loudspeaker!
    11. Not have to stand on your tip toes to see above rows of white VIP tents (as in the past) squatting up and down the flight line. Again, Thank You, Mr. Pelton.
    12. Tram drivers. No way, No how, would I do that.
    13. Trams. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.
    14. Allowing a couple of places to sell beer and wine. It is policed. It is responsible. And until it's abused, it’s okay. And, until then it will stay in "my" like column.
    15. The little things: Affordable scooters that make it possible for almost everyone to enjoy the event. Ice cream. Porta Potties that are as clean as can logically be kept clean, located everywhere with hand sanitizer, toilet paper and door locks that actually work.. Signage and maps. EAA Answer booths and shopping tents. Free, that's right, FREE coffee at HBC pavilion, HBC, HBC Pavilion. HBC with ice. HBC with upgraded showers with endless hot water. HBC with upgraded toilets. Constantly improved wifi. A decrease in service and "comfort" dogs. I could really go on and on. It's why I come back.

    1. The Flag of The United States of America that has gone missing from the forums plaza buildings!!! Only Forum building 7 (yes, I checked them all) had the United States Flag. And, it was disgracefully planted directly behind the podium and the only thing keeping it from falling to the floor was the chair it was leaning against. PLEASE don't tell me this is a cost saving thing. Please.
    2. Dodging, at every moment, inattentive little girls and little boys speeding around in golf carts, BY THEMSELVES, absolutely everywhere carrying absolutely nothing. If you need to talk to someone, use your cell phone. Believe me, I KNOW you know how to use a cell phone!
    3. Perfectly able young (20-30yrs) people running around on electric scooters. Of course we're not going to do a disabilities test, but puhleeze.
    4. High price of food. I guess if you can afford a $70,000 pickup truck, then you can afford a $7 hotdog. It is one of those economic things, but, it makes me cringe, on both counts.
    5. Jerry's One Man Band. Go get him. Go get him out of retirement! Okay, when you're down to this, you've run out of stuff to whine about. But, then again, go back to dislike item #1.

  7. #27
    PaulDow's Avatar
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    I don't think this question requires it's own thread, so I'll ask here.

    Besides the projectionist and someone to make popcorn, was there anyone watching Air America last night at the Fly In Theater while the air show was going on?

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I'm a "professional" tram conductor and we are REQUIRED to go no faster than 7mph per EAA and if you've ridden all the routes as I have for 9 days straight, the potholes/uneven pavement on ALL the routes often require a much slower pace than that to keep from being launched from your seat. So I don't think we can go any 'faster'. The number of trams in service is also limited by the number of volunteers available to run them and the number of volunteers on hand to do relief duty for the full-shift crews. As well as the actual number of available trams/tractors - it is a finite number.

    Sometimes the trams get backed up due to aircraft movements or traffic snarls..sometimes it's just the laws of physics - 75,000 visitors through the gates and we can only carry 40 at a time which makes for LOTS of trips - lol. Peak times means trams packed to over capacity. I DO wish we had dedicated tram lanes on the roads - blithely unaware visitors, crazy golf cart drivers, rented mobility scooters etc.etc,etc. clog the thoroughfares. Perhaps a rethink of the red route is in order - not a lot of pick-ups at Homebuilt Pavilion.

    The Ugly? I am featured at the beginning of this EAA video on volunteering and at the 5:45 mark - I have a GREAT face for radio :\

    My suggestion to EAA management? - Put up a boombox at Jerry's old corner and play his CD's throughout the show as an homage to great old guy.

    The super good? The new food vendor Parker Johns BBQ - OUTSTANDING grub,
    Last edited by CHICAGORANDY; 07-29-2018 at 09:50 PM.

  9. #29
    The ugly: OSH18 is officially over. :/

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #30
    mazdaP5's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Just outside of Grosse Ile NAS
    Good: Oshkosh is hard to screw up.
    Even with all of the rain, campground dried out pretty well, lots of woodchips in problem areas.
    I was only almost run over once. Pretty good.
    That is the friendliest Target store on Earth.
    Loved all of the T-6 stuff, she is my favourite. I was even fine with back to back to back T-6 acts doing essentially the same routines. The sound is incredible.
    I walked all the way to the south end of the field. Very peaceful down there, even more than the Seaplane base because nobody is there. Nobody.
    HD vintage webcam.
    Old Glory Honor Flight was incredible. I saw a few teary eyes, even from some teenagers.
    EAA Radio is highly entertaining whenever I'm in camp, or driving.

    The main gear on that Tigercat apparently.
    The marshals in Scholler, the ticket window, no-one said welcome to Oshkosh. I thought it was odd. The girl at the refund window also did not wish me a safe trip. Odd. Maybe it's me.
    West shower house water was Scalding hot. Little kids were crying.

    A lot of weed was being smoked at the Saturday night airshow. A lot.
    Last edited by mazdaP5; 07-30-2018 at 06:05 AM.

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