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Thread: Airventure Discount code

  1. #1

    Angry Airventure Discount code

    So....WTH is going on with this.......Many people are very irritated at the apparent special treatment that some EAA members receive:

  2. #2
    Hello, I'd just like to take a minute to clear the air on this.

    This promotion for discounted AirVenture passes was made available to a small number of EAA members who live in the area and have never (at least as far as we can tell) attended AirVenture. Our hope is to get people to give the event a try so that they can become even more involved in general aviation. This is core to our mission and for that reason we are giving this a try. I'm happy to answer any questions on this, as I understand there are concerns about our willingness to be transparent.

    Eric Cernjar, EAA # 1133654

  3. #3

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  4. #4
    robert l's Avatar
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    Mar 2017
    Heath Springs, S.C.
    How about a senior citizen discount ?

  5. #5
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by robert l View Post
    How about a senior citizen discount ?
    Admission is half-price for all members 70 years of age or older, but only if accompanied by their parents.

    Ron Wanttaja

  6. #6
    Sure sounds legit......NOT.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cernjar View Post
    Hello, I'd just like to take a minute to clear the air on this.

    This promotion for discounted AirVenture passes was made available to a small number of EAA members who live in the area and have never (at least as far as we can tell) attended AirVenture. Our hope is to get people to give the event a try so that they can become even more involved in general aviation. This is core to our mission and for that reason we are giving this a try. I'm happy to answer any questions on this, as I understand there are concerns about our willingness to be transparent.


    You didn't clear the air, all you did was jack-up the piss-off factor.

    What kind of discount admission policy(secret or otherwise) FAVOURS AND REWARDS those who never attend to the detriment, disfavour and penalizing of those that always do? That's FUBAR!!! Why don't you instead reward loyal year over year attendees with that same discount? You should create a loyalty program for "frequent users/flyers" of Oshkosh. Who do you think might be more grateful-the tens of thousands of members who frequently attend or the ones who are apathetic and don't.

    With this effed up policy, if you weren't an aviation association, you'd quickly qualify to become a cable company.

    And furthermore, why is a particular geographic location a discount qualifier? Hell, I come all the way from Toronto, you should be begging me to attend with all sorts of swag!

  8. #8
    Auburntsts's Avatar
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    Have to agree with Floats on this one. Locals are the last group of folks that need a discount as an enticement to attend. It’s us out-of-towners that are spending lots of cash to attend “our” convention that’s supporting not only EAA but the local economy. I understand the intent, but sorry guys, this was one big whiff at the plate.
    Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
    PP ASEL - IA
    RV-10 N728TT - Flying
    EAA Lifetime Member

  9. #9
    I third the motion. Locals at least have the luxury of not incurring hundreds of dollars in additional expenses for lodging like the rest of us do.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #10
    I do understand why this could upset people. Here are a couple thoughts into why we went about it this way.

    While I acknowledge that we certainly are lucky enough to have visitors from all over the country (and other countries all over the world), Wisconsin has our greatest amount of attendees, and other surrounding states are at the top for attendance as well. From a test perspective, we wanted to try this with those that would be most swayed by a discount. While the discount would be nice for someone coming from California, for example, it wouldn’t have as much impact as it would for someone from Illinois when you consider the disparity of investment to get/stay here. Again, this was a test, and we’re learning (perhaps more than we bargained for!)

    Also, while it’s a big pancake breakfast, this is essentially EAA’s big pancake breakfast that subsidizes all our other programs that don’t run a profit. This isn’t a show without the members who routinely attend and invest their time and money into making it what it is. However if we deeply subsidized the expenses for everyone that regularly attends, the net impact is we would not be able to invest what we do into non-revenue generating programs like Young Eagles, Chapters, etc.

    We are deeply appreciative of those, such as yourselves, that make the show possible. Our simple intent was to get a few people to experience the show in hopes that they’d realize what they were missing, and would then also become regulars. Ultimately, we’re trying to grow general aviation and that’s the core of our intent. Thank you guys for everything you’re also doing to help GA.

    Take care,
    Eric Cernjar, EAA # 1133654

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