I've been waiting for a week for the winds to die down in order to take my Bebe back up in the air, as I've put myself back at square one in the flight test program after the repairs.

She's been up and around once already since everything got fixed, and and performed splendidly - even though I adjusted the timing to what I'm sure is dead on the money (it was only a little off) afterwards.

Up before dawn to make the drive out to the airport to catch the still air, coffee made and poured, fresh pack of smokes, and something's not right. Rather than the usual excitement, there's a feeling that I shouldn't fly this morning. In the truck and on the road, the little voice is a bit stronger. You shouldn't fly this morning.

Well, over the years I've learned to listen to that little voice, so I turn the truck around and come back to the house. If I'd of proceeded to the airport, I'd of flown her, little voice be damned.

I'll go out there later today and give the airplane a very close look; maybe I missed something and just can't recall what that might be. There are a few cosmetic items that need to be done, like replacing the mirror on the rear cabane, but nothing that would impede flight, and nothing that would trigger that Little Voice.

It's probably silly. I'll go out there and find everything ship-shape, and I've of blown an opportunity to take to the skies. Then again, maybe not.

Am I alone in this? Do y'all listen to intuition, or is it more scientific? Have you ever scrubbed a flight because of a Bad Feeling?