I enjoy a good laugh and if it is a bit out of norm or eccentric sometimes even funnier. I was about to post this before, but then came the Las Vegas tragedy and it seemed frivolous. Maybe we need something silly in the midst of all that. And I cant vouch for the truth of this story, i wasn't at the airport , but the tale is reported in the local newspaper happenings.
A young man had enjoyed a fun and uninhibited few days, but then was at the airport to catch an airline flight. He comes up to the TSA checkpoint and still in a good mood, if not quite all there, he's asked to take off his shoes for the scanner. Being good natured and wanting to cooperate, he readily takes off his shoes, and then he also takes off his pants. The story dosen't go any further, cant say what TSA said, but they do see alot. Anyway, I guess he made the flight ok. Hope someone had a cell phone camera, that will be a good one for a laugh years down the way.