Let's go back. We were talking about security screeners at OSH -- the only place in the world (other than in my hangar) where I am reasonably certain my airplane is safe when left unattended, and people regularly leave their electronics plugged in and unattended confident that no one will help themselves. Nonetheless, I was talking to a senior management type of a security company just yesterday, discussing how we could improve screening and security at events like Airventure while being relatively unobtrusive -- and not requiring a shakedown for pocket knives and such. Seriously speaking, was anyone actually denied entry for a pocketknife? For me it is not a matter of whether I have one, but how many and what kind of tools they include.

Floats, I could easily challenge the Violence Policy Center "report" that the WaPo article was based on -- but that is not pertinent to this thread or forum.