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Thread: Road Rage, Air Rage

  1. #1

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    Jul 2011

    Road Rage, Air Rage

    By air rage I dont mean passengers vs crew on an airline, but a incindent like road rage that occurs between pilots.
    Seems daily in the news is a horrible story of drivers going nuts often fatal and moslty about nothing. Last week an adult man shot a girl in the head, a high school senior honor student, just as both were entering a freeway on ramp. Today I read a N C man pointing his gun at a couple who were just passing his car, and the guy is a PREACHER, of all things.
    We arent usually in that close contact in airplanes and dont have a gun in our hand, but there was a similar anger case,no guns, on another web site a few years back in Florida, older man was making a straight in landing, Baron or K maybe, at uncontrolled field , and on a 2 mile final a student pilot on downwind turned final in front of him, The straight in pilot thought everyone should get out of his way and theatened to attack the kid in the Cessna in the web site and I think on Unicom.

    Has the world forgotten manners and sense of proportion? Will what happens if the road rage spills over to airplorts ? Hope it doesnt get to a crowded place like Airventure.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 07-09-2017 at 08:37 AM.

  2. #2
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Many people should not own guns. Many people proclaim to be Christian who fail miserably at it.

    Guns are not permitted on the grounds (not saying they don't end up in there but if security finds you with one even benignly, you will find yourself a guess of the Winnebago County sheriff's office). What is your point?

  3. #3
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    Nov 2011
    In the identical frame of reference for road rage, air rage in GA is a non-existent nonsense concept. In commercial aviation, air rage is becoming all to familiar. With respect to those packing at Oshkosh, the prohibition against carrying guns is not always adhered to by attendees. A few years ago a shocking thread on this very subject on this forum was vitriolic and hostile. Quite a few posters with permits for concealed carry freely admitted to carrying guns on the grounds.

  4. #4
    DaleB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
    In commercial aviation, air rage is becoming all to familiar.
    Just curious, since I haven't heard of any incidents... got any examples? I know in GA it's near "nonsense" level. I say "near", becuase of course pilots are people, and people are different, and some get carried away.
    Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
    With respect to those packing at Oshkosh, the prohibition against carrying guns is not always adhered to by attendees. A few years ago a shocking thread on this very subject on this forum was vitriolic and hostile. Quite a few posters with permits for concealed carry freely admitted to carrying guns on the grounds.
    There's nothing like a discussion about pretty much anything to do with firearms to bring out the absolute worst in people on both sides. Some are just looking for something to fight about.
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  5. #5

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    My topic was not at all about people "packing at Oshkosh" or anthing about guns in airplanes. .My example of airplane rage from the pilot who long straight in final conflicted with the Cessna already in the pattern had nothing to do with guns. Just the anger of the older man who threathened to attack the student pilot. No guns involved , just irrational anger.

    If someone wants to write about guns at Oshkosh please do it on your own topic,not this one.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 07-08-2017 at 08:11 PM.

  6. #6
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    I've experienced one case, heard about a second.

    About 20 years ago, I was in the back seat of a 210, flown by an acquaintance. This was at a small semi-private get-together at a Midwest airport. The airport had only a runway with no parallel taxiway. I'd known the pilot for a while; he had a short fuse (BWB, for those in the know).

    My pilot spent about 25 minutes buzzing the countryside at high speed. He called on the 45 on the return, but someone didn't realize how fast he was coming in that 210 and started to back-taxi. My pilot got on the radio and started screaming at the other guy. Went on for about five minutes. I was embarrassed, and I know the guy in the front right seat was, too.

    About ten years later, the pilot died in an accident in a hired gun homebuilt he'd bought. No way to know for sure, but with the circumstances, I think his temper was a contributor.

    The other case was rumor only, connected with two local aircraft having a midair. Story goes that they had a near-midair first, then turned around "to see who that idiot was."

    Me, if *I* have a similar case, I scoot out of the area as fast as I can, preferably painting over my N-Number on the way.

    Ron Wanttaja

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaleB View Post
    Just curious, since I haven't heard of any incidents... got any examples? .
    I was referring to numerous reported examples of passengers engaged in bad and/or violent behaviour aboard in-flight airliners who were then subdued by crew and other passengers.

  8. #8
    DaleB's Avatar
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    Oh, those. Yeah, I was thinking about pilot vs. pilot, not corporate monolith vs. sardine.
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  9. #9
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaleB View Post
    There's nothing like a discussion about pretty much anything to do with firearms to bring out the absolute worst in people on both sides. Some are just looking for something to fight about.
    I added my two cents on gun issues in an aviation board several years ago. The last post in the thread was a nasty flame about how wrong I was (puts back of hand to forehead, and cries, "Oh, woe is me!").

    Two things about the flame: First, it was the person's first post to that board.

    Second, he posted his response EIGHT MONTHS after the last previous comment in the thread.

    The guy had apparently been searching for comments contrary to his beliefs, no matter how old, so he could post his opposition.

    There's some sad, sad, people out there.

    Ron " 'Your flame has convinced me that my stance was mistaken,' said no one ever" Wanttaja

  10. #10
    Joey4420's Avatar
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    Well as a new sport pilot and having flown out of Sporty's (hotdog Saturday) I can say I have had my share of fun in the pattern and on short final, no point in getting upset; heck we all make mistakes it is just a matter of learning and moving on. I will say my most interesting in my short 36 hours of flight time was flying in to Brown Co (GEO) and having people on bicycles riding down the runway during my landing and again during a second takeoff. Not sure what they were thinking, but heck I guess it was the nicest place to ride near their house.
    Joey Shreve
    Liberty Twp OH (near KHAO)
    Sport Pilot
    Check Ride May 30 2017

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