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Thread: "Feeding the Cats"

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    "Feeding the Cats"

    In the thread on scam , Hal Bryan says if we report scam a certain way, it is quick and he can "get back to feeding the cats".
    We stopped on the way back from Osh one time at a small town in Nebraska, and took the courtesy car to town for lunch. In the adjacent old wooden run down hangar we could see a thin, neglected cat, So we brought some food back and put it on a paper plate in front of the hangar for the Kitty, Imedialtety about a dozen other barn cats came out of hiding, I felt lke a Marine at Chosin Resevoir, where did all those guys come from? A local teenager said, "Dont feed those cats or they will follow you home". That gave me pause for a minute but then I thought, hey we are in a Bonanza and not even a Cheeta can run 170 knots. Anyway we were sad to have to leave the thin one, but we did our best.
    I"ve never owned a Cat, but if I did I'd like to have a Navy blue one whose name starts with Wild or even better Bear, like a friend of mine. There are places like Texas where barn cats are very usefull and where there are rattlesnakes. The CAF even had a topic with photos of barn(hangar) cats and even a snake or two, maybe EAA should have such photos. By the way, cats seem to hang around planes that have props and burn gasoline, dont think they like jets much.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 06-04-2017 at 10:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Big dog lover here, cats definitely not so much. The only cats I like to get close to and hug are those that have the word Grumman in front.

  3. #3
    rwanttaja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Cats are sneaky. It's best to get the drop on them.

    Ron "She pulled a knife on me" Wanttaja

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