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Thread: How can I get my local EAA Chapter out of bed with the local cops and FAA?

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Cary View Post
    As I read through your first post, Chopper Girl, I wanted to say the same things that Turtle said, but he (or she, I don't know) said it better. Ordinarily I don't like ad hominem comments about others, but there're a couple of lines from Top Gun that seem to fit you. Iceman is talking to Maverick:
    You're everyone's problem. That's because every time you go up in the air, you're unsafe. I don't like you because you're dangerous.
    Later, he says:
    Maverick, it's not your flying, it's your attitude. The enemy's dangerous, but right now you're worse. Dangerous and foolish.

    For very good reasons, primarily safety, aviation must be highly regulated, and having discussions with those who know more about those regulations than you do is valuable. I go to the local monthly EAA IMC Club meetings, yet I keep up with the regulations on my own, and I've been an IR pilot for 42 years. I've been flying for more than 44 years, I was once a CFII, a SE charter pilot, and I've got more than a few hours in my logbook. I've taken more checkrides than you have fingers. You think I don't know how to fly in the clouds legally, how to stay out of trouble with ATC, how to live? I absolutely do, but all of us are students in aviation, no matter what our experience or training. It is impossible to know everything that there is to know about aviation.

    Actually, if you can't change your attitude a bit, I'd just as soon that you don't learn to fly, that you don't build an airplane, and that you stay out of the sky. It'll be a whole lot safer for the rest of us, who understand the need for and abide by the rules and regulations.

    So you believe because Chopper Girl would like to attend a club were more then eating and sitting around talking about ones dog's health is not her style. You blame her and tell her it's her attitude that must be changed. I agree 100% with Chopper Girl.

    You need to go out to one of these club meetings we speak of. The local one close to me had one the other day. The President of this club has all but turned off every local aviator. Not one will fly into this man's field. It is an attitude of his that turns people off. He has maybe three members of his club today and one is his non flying wife. I belonged to this club until the day the President came at me with fists flying. All I did was ask a question.

    But lets blame the new member. There is a saying..It's the fool who keeps doing the same thing and expecting different results.

    I myself don't want to share the skies with those whom believe their anus don't stink. Those types get you killed.


  2. #22
    Auburntsts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1600vw View Post
    So you believe because Chopper Girl would like to attend a club were more then eating and sitting around talking about ones dog's health is not her style. You blame her and tell her it's her attitude that must be changed. I agree 100% with Chopper Girl.

    You need to go out to one of these club meetings we speak of. The local one close to me had one the other day. The President of this club has all but turned off every local aviator. Not one will fly into this man's field. It is an attitude of his that turns people off. He has maybe three members of his club today and one is his non flying wife. I belonged to this club until the day the President came at me with fists flying. All I did was ask a question.

    But lets blame the new member. There is a saying..It's the fool who keeps doing the same thing and expecting different results.

    I myself don't want to share the skies with those whom believe their anus don't stink. Those types get you killed.

    i think you missed Turtle and Cary's point. They are not slamming her opinion of her local Chapter, which is shared by many. Rather it's her overall attitude towards aviation and apparent disdain for authority and rules, as demonstrated by her own posts, that isn't sitting well with them (me as well). Look I don't like a lot of regulation nor the cost of flying either but I understand why things are the way they are.

    At the end of the day aviation isn't for everyone.
    Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
    PP ASEL - IA
    RV-10 N728TT - Flying
    EAA Lifetime Member

  3. #23

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    T., I think you may have missed the point as well.

    Please allow a non-aviation anecdote which is how I sum up post #1: Imagine an organization of motorcycle riders, all own Goldwings. The bikes they ride and activities they participate in are a statement about the social structure and attitude of the group --they are conservative, law abiding riders that come to a complete stop at a 4-way stop sign in the middle of Iowa. They have monthly meetings, invite guest from the the local police cycle division or the MSF to give talks and presentations on how to make their riding activities safer and more enjoyable. They have "show and tell" with a new modular style helmet.

    Then one day a potential new member shows up with a sport bike or rat rod Harley, laments that the group has one foot in the grave, that they should run off the "pigs" and "helmet weenies" and transition into something resembling a rouge Hell's Angels chapter. Suggest and/or offers presentations and practice on how to perform "wheelies" or "stoppies" in freeway traffic, methods for evading police that attempt a traffic stop and how to swing a chain while riding so can smash motorist windshields without losing balance. At the same time, doesn't want to be rat'd or narc'd out for such minor transgressions. Do you think this would be well received by the group?

    Nobody is assigning blame. Just pointing out the potential new member may not fit in - and why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auburntsts View Post
    i think you missed Turtle and Cary's point. They are not slamming her opinion of her local Chapter, which is shared by many. Rather it's her overall attitude towards aviation and apparent disdain for authority and rules, as demonstrated by her own posts, that isn't sitting well with them (me as well). Look I don't like a lot of regulation nor the cost of flying either but I understand why things are the way they are.

    At the end of the day aviation isn't for everyone.

  4. #24
    Jim Rosenow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turtle View Post
    If I were you, I'd give up on the EAA. Here's why.

    Flying is very structured and regulated. Building an experimental doesn't change this by much. A mid-air collision because a pilot didn't follow the law, hurts just as much, regardless of what you are flying. An aircraft in a 'transponder required area' that wanted to 'stick it to the man' by not having it calibrated is a hazard to all flyers. Most builders are pilots. While they'd argue whether an AN bolt is superior to a grade 8 bolt, they all know and accept that they have to follow the rules they are given.

    Now, some quotes from you:

    About obtaining a PPL

    This thread

    and finally, your sig

    You completely trivialize what it is to fly and the privileges of the PPL, and by doing so, belittle every PPL holder and owner of a 'little GA plane'. You seem to be very anti-authoritarian with terms like 'police state' and how it's your job to break the law. Calling people shills, narcs, slaves and brainwashed is not a way to make friends with adults. Anti-authoritarian and piloting are mutually exclusive. Basically, your beliefs are at odds with 99% of pilots, builders and any organization that represents them. They would also make you an extremely poor pilot.

    While there is always room for improvement in any club, you need to decide if a small program change would placate you or would you still be unhappy sharing space with 'slaves' you obviously disdain?

    +1 Turtle!....and with that I suggest we quit feeding the troll(s). Been wanting to say that for four days :-)


  5. #25

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    Oct 2011
    I haven't been to an EAA chapter meeting recently. The last one seemed mostly RV.
    Hard to imagine how an ultralight person, such as OP here, would feel welcome at an IMC club meeting.
    I don't think the OP can change the nature of interest at a chapter meeting.

    The solution for her, is to attend an EAA Ultralight chapter meeting, if they exist.
    But ultralights have largely disappeared, ending that means of aviation entry level.

    I volunteered at Arlington ultralight runway past few years. Last year no ultralights attended. The FAA Notam required all ultralights arrive and contact Tower. ?? (Ultralights don't have radios)

    I understand the OP's frustration with over regulation.

  6. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Berson View Post
    The solution for her, is to attend an EAA Ultralight chapter meeting, if they exist.
    But ultralights have largely disappeared, ending that means of aviation entry level.
    The search shows 24 UL chapters in the US

    In my state, there is an active (more active during the summer, both days) ultralight group I found through facebook a couple years ago, so there may be other options.

  7. #27

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    Back to the original question, "...and is there any way I can change this, or should I just give up on EAA?"

    This is a volunteer organization. Oh, yeah, we have paid staff, but we chip in to hire them. They have to do "what they're told" to a great extent. I haven't heard of chapter officers being paid megabucks, so if I'm wrong, one of them will surely chime in with a copy of the last personal 1040

    If you don't like the chapter programs, volunteer to change them. Certainly there might be some chapter officers who don't like what you want to do. But. If you don't like what a volunteer is doing it's pretty hard to fire them. So you volunteer to take their place. Run for chapter office. Mobilize the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Win the election. Change the programs.

    Let us know how that works out. We wish you well. Really. We do. We always need new ideas and new vitality. Until you step up to the plate you won't know how fast the spitball is going by.

  8. #28

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    The new person is the problem...Wow. She flies ultralights and is not welcome. Again wow. Try to step up to the plate. The people we are talking about have such ego's they want to hear none of it for they are the ones in charge. It's their club, you don't like it move on to another club. I wonder how I know this.

    For all those who believe they know everything. Attend one of these club meets in my area. I won't even post club or EAA chapters in my area for it would matter not what one you attended. Attend one then post back what you found. Let me know when you are going to attend and I will be there.

    Last edited by 1600vw; 03-29-2017 at 06:04 AM.

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by 1600vw View Post
    The new person is the problem...Wow.

    The new person is the SOLUTION!

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike M View Post
    The new person is the SOLUTION!

    I don't believe that either. But they are not the problem. The problem as I see it. Those who have been doing this for a long time are in charge. They are getting tired and really do not want the headache. Things have been going smooth and no one complains but the new member who is seeking something more then shooting the bull with a few folks once a month over some food and coffee. If these people would only step back and remember what it was like to be younger and wanting to fly and build then just sit in a chair, in a hangar, and talk about the good ole days.


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