Hi all.
As many chapters (I'm sure) have moved over to the EAA hosted chapter websites for the cost of free, we decided to let our chapter paid domain expire to save money. We made the switch mid-year 2016. All was fine until our paid domain expired on Jan. 14th. Now we have a disconnect with the 538.eaachapter.org website and it looks horrible. Everything looks to reference/link back to the expired domain and not to the provided EAA hosting. Our webmaster investigated and this is his response:

"I have checked on this and apparently the domain names (eaa538.org and 538.eaachapter.org) are both owned by Powweb.com. There is an apparent annual maintenance fee of $150 per year. I thought that these were provided by the national organization. I am not inclined to pay for them at this time unless the chapter has always paid for this. I do not know who to talk to at the National Organization regarding this."

So what's the deal? Are we being given free website hosting with EAA HQ's or is there some fee as mentioned above required to have our website hosted? Who do we contact to help get this resolved?

Carlos Hernandez
EAA 538 President
Phoenix, AZ