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Thread: More Amelia Earhart Story

  1. #31

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    Jul 2011
    My post on the other topic was not "partison politics" in that I wasnt pushing any one party or candidate, didnt even mention names, I was just observiing that across the whole spectrum there is a changed attitude re war. And war is a part of warbirds just as airpower is a major element of out current wars and actions.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 10-03-2016 at 09:41 AM.

  2. #32

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    Jul 2011

    Amelia now

    Anyone who doesn't have a pretty good idea where Amelia is has not been keeping up with gen aviation news the last few years.
    And I have and do know this.

  3. #33
    crusty old aviator's Avatar
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    You can't get here from there
    Why is it always Amelia who's missing??? What about her drunken navigator, Fred Noonan? Is he chopped liver? Yeah, so he wasn't as snappy a dresser as the gal, but he was a heck of a lot more articulate. As for the man with the high top pith helmet, Mr. TIGHAR, I think he's doing a marvellous job...of fleecing gullible Americans!

    I remember reading one of those "mystery solved" books in the late 70's and the author claimed that witnesses in the pre-war South Pacific saw a tall blonde woman and described her plane, and it was a perfect match. The only problem with that assertion is that Lockheed sold Japan Airlines fourteen of their Model 14 twins, which looked very similar to the Model 10 that the globe-hopping couple got lost in. There were also a lot of missionaries proselytizing around the South Pacific then, several of whom were tall blonde women. Funny how the author wasn't aware of that inconvenient bit of information...

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by crusty old aviator View Post
    Why is it always Amelia who's missing??? What about her drunken navigator, Fred Noonan? Is he chopped liver?
    Same reason Sully gets a movie named after him and Jeff Skiles has just been a footnote since the event occurred. The person sitting in the left seat captures the publics imagination. It's not fair but this is what happens because the media decides to focus on mainly one person.

    No one remembers who the second person to walk on the moon was. I think it also has something to do with the way our brains are wired.

  5. #35

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    Sully was not only captain but I think he was doing the actual flying when this happened, as well as being the senior and person in charge.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 10-24-2016 at 11:45 AM.

  6. #36
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Sully was not only capitan but I think he was doing the actual flying when this happened, as well as being the senior and person in charge.
    Just like no one ever talks about Henry Tingle Wilde....

    Ron "I had to look it up, too" Wanttaja

  7. #37
    crusty old aviator's Avatar
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    You can't get here from there
    Another one lost at sea, never to be found...

  8. #38

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Sully was not only captain but I think he was doing the actual flying when this happened, as well as being the senior and person in charge.
    I think Skiles was flying the leg up until the impact with birds when Sully announced "my aircraft" and Skiles repiled "your aircraft."

  9. #39

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    Feb 2018
    TIGHAR is now trying to generate enthusiasm for another trip to the island where they think Earhart and Noonan ended up, and where a skeleton they say is hers was found in 1940. Check out the announcement on their home page.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFowler View Post
    TIGHAR is now trying to generate enthusiasm for another trip to the island where they think Earhart and Noonan ended up, and where a skeleton they say is hers was found in 1940.
    If TIGHAR believes this skeleton was found in 1940 and which they say is hers, then why do they need to go back and find it again 88 years later? And if TIGHAR has already been to the island, why didn't they bring the skeleton home with them at that time? I must be missing something.

    Alright, my take's as good or better than TIGHAR's. Amelia and Noonan crashed in the Pacific. They were seriously injured and eventually drowned. Their remains, if any are left, are at the bottom, 20,000 feet down. No money raised and wasted. TIGHAR please do something else, something that would benefit some living people.

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