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Thread: What is actual text of PBOR2?

  1. #1

    Question What is actual text of PBOR2?

    I would be enthusiastic about the accumulating cosponsorships of the Pilots Bill of Rights 2 except for what was revealed in the Manchin-Boozman amendment and from a conversation I had with an advocacy staffer at EAA. From both of those sources I came away with the understanding that the text of PBOR2 that these co-sponsors are supporting behind the scenes has only a slight resemblance of the text we are being shown publicly. I don't have the Manchin Boozman text handy, but it said, for example, that a third class medical would still be required within the past ten years, though with allowances for it to expire. i.e. it helped old pilots but not new ones.

    If I am being asked to contact my legislators in support of a bill when I don't know what is actually in that bill as currently negotiated, I find that misleading.

    Can someone be forthcoming to the public as to what PBOR2 currently looks like in the same form that these legislators see it when they decide to co-sponsor it? It would be more fair if we were not left to fly blind here.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Byron J. Covey
    Last edited by Byron J. Covey; 09-18-2015 at 03:27 PM.

  3. #3
    EAA Staff Tom Charpentier's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    The current text of the bill as filed in the above links is the language that we and our allies in congress are fighting for. The most powerful tool we have to achieve passage of an expansive, simple bill is support in congress, so please do not let up asking your senators to cosponsor the bill. We just published an update today on the Senate bill’s progress:
    Tom Charpentier
    Government Relations Director
    EAA Lifetime #1082006 | Vintage #722921

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I have been trying to get this to everyone I can......please help and copy this and send it to everyone you know who has an interest in this!!!

    If you are involved in general aviation and or sport flying then you really need to read this letter in its entirety. Please take the time to read this.
    I am writting this open letter to all EAA and AO PA members that support the pilot's Bill of Rights 2 bill that is in Congress and the Senate for consideration. All members should be aware that there is an attempt being made to pass a variation of this bill in the name of compromise. The amendment was written by senators Machin and Boozman. The content of this amendment is in no way what the members of AOPA and the EAA have signed up for with their support. Every member interested in medical reform should take the time to examine the content of this amendment. AOPA video link below. In my opinion, this is a bait and switch operation being performed by people who pretend to have medical reform at the center of their efforts. It becomes obvious when you look into the details of this so-called compromise, that this would put the people seeking medical reform in the same or worse situation that they are in now. Not only will this compromise require that you still have to have an FAA medical exam, it will also require that you have an exam from your personal doctor every 16 months.
    What happened to the drivers license medical. It appears that the advocates from AO PA and EAA have completely lost sight of the goals supported by their members. This so-called compromise that is being pushed by AO PA and EAA is not ethical. This is not what all the members supported by writing to their senators and congressmen and paying their membership dues. This is a sellout by these two organizations that gives the appearance of being in bed with the FAA and or other government officials rather then supporting their paid membership.
    If the Machin – Boozman version is passed, this issue will never see the light of day again in your lifetime. You'll be stuck with this so-called compromise forever. All members need to educate themselves about what their representatives are doing to them behind their backs. Do not allow AO PA and EAA off the hook when it comes to this issue.
    Everyone knows that this could become a hot potato issue with public opinion. So what you have here, is an attempt to appease both sides. The same old political bull crap. They are trying to pass a non-reform in place of real reform so they can tell all the members that they passed reform, and still show the details to the opponents illustrating that there is really no reform involved.
    There is nothing we can do about the media constantly bombarding the public with every crash of even the smallest airplane. I call it the chicken Little syndrome. The sky is falling, the sky is falling, OMG! the sky is falling. You cannot change the mindset of the majority of people who honestly believe the sky is falling. Our representatives from the AOPA and the EAA are being paid by its members to lobby on behalf of the interests of its members. The members have made it very clear that they want medical reform not sleight-of-hand. These organizations have plenty of ammunition with the fact that sport pilot has proven there is no need for an FAA medical exam. Statistical data supports this.
    Anyone that has taken the time to read this needs to educate themselves on what exactly is trying to be passed without their support or knowledge. E-mail EAA or AO PA or both, and demand that they pass only the original reform or something very close to it. Do not allow them to make the situation worse by passing an amendment that has the content of the Machin – Boozman amendment.
    I hope you take the time to do something about this. We are being stabbed in the back by representatives that we pay to represent our interests on this very important issue. They are even telling their membership that this is a good compromise which it is not. We need to let them know we are watching and that we expect them to do what we have asked them to do.
    Michael Thompson
    EAA 1031293
    Congress is about to reconvene in September and will again be looking at this issue. Make your voice heard now don't wait or you'll be too late. Cut and paste is a powerful tool.
    Please make copies of this letter and give it to anyone you think may be interested. I only hope that in today's world of personal media and e-mail that we can accomplish what seems like an impossible task of getting this message out soon enough.
    Also take the time to write your senators and congressmen and tell them that you only support the pilot Bill of Rights 2 in its original form.

    AOPA Jim Coon, he tells us the content of the Machin - boozman amendment.

  5. #5
    The most important battle of this war has been lost. A sport pilot I am and a sport pilot I will remain, forever it seems. Good thing I got a good deal on an Ercoupe. I am extremely disappointed about the AOPA and EAA advocacy efforts if this is the result.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Gwinn, Michigan
    Having watched the AOPA video and hearing Jim Coon say AOPA thinks that going for a 3rd class medical after 10 years of being without one is a good idea, having read Sen. Imhoffe s speech, going to the links mentioned here and actually reading / watching, I guess i will try and speed up my aircraft construction. What I have seen so far is not what i supported. What happened to the legislation as originally proposed ?

    Bill L

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    While I see it as SOME positive change, I do tend to agree that the spirit of the original bill has been altered to the point that it is meaningless. All of those people that have given up on flying are still in the same boat, still having to endure the time and expense of a 'special issuance' even if it is a one time thing. Yet it is ok to see your doc once every 4 years if you have had a medical in the 10 years prior, a lot can happen in between visits. How about saying hello to your PERSONAL doc once every year or two? I see my doc every 6 months and I am in better shape than most of the people I know. I would have no problem passing the physical, but I don't have the cash to lay out for all of the medical expenses involved let alone the possibility of something going awry and not being able to fly at all.
    Sad day for me (Sorry to make some of this about me) I had the rug jerked out from under me. Thanks but I will pass.
    P.S. I guess it was never really a 'drivers license' medical.
    P.P.S I am EXTREMELY happy for those of you who would benefit this!!!!!
    Last edited by wyoranch; 09-29-2015 at 10:28 AM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    EAA approves this useless bill as amended? And EAA claims to advocate for the pilot members? And wants to get us flying again? Some driver's license medical this is. All the member effort in petitioning our elected representatives undone with the amended bill. What a waste.

    Somebody at EAA forgot the core principles of medical reform, which are trashed. There are none. Even worse, if someone wants to fly a 4-passenger airplane he can lose his LSA privileges by failing the forced 3rd class medical.

    The PBOR as amended has wasted all our time and effort. And EAA institutionally approves this? My stomach churns. No wonder there's so many co-sponsors. Nothing will change. The FAA gets to institutionalize 'democratically' their dictatorial and unjustifiable policies. There's no relaxation of rules, there's casting them in legislative concrete.

  9. #9
    cub builder's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    North Central AR
    While I would prefer to get the FAA out of my life, even with the language changes, it still gets rid of the medical for the vast majority of us. Senator Inhoffe said there are 3 things needed in the new language. First time or new pilots must take a medical as a baseline, pilots must take an online course every 2 years and make a log book entry and document medical visits to their Dr. and treatment received. Pilots that have lapsed in a medical over 10 yrs need to retake a medical. The question is why is AOPA and EAA endorsing this with these changes?

    This will push out the medicals to 10 years, including special issuance, which is where the real nightmare currently exists. While it's less than ideal, it relieves many pilots of ridiculously expensive medical tests annually for special issuance medicals and pushes them out to 10 years. Would I rather be rid of medicals all together? Of course. Are we being sold out? I guess we'll have to wait and see on that issue, but it may be the only way to get this through at all. Would I accept this rather than forging ahead and losing the battle? In a heart beat.

    -Cub Builder

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by cub builder View Post
    While I would prefer to get the FAA out of my life, even with the language changes, it still gets rid of the medical for the vast majority of us. Senator Inhoffe said there are 3 things needed in the new language. First time or new pilots must take a medical as a baseline, pilots must take an online course every 2 years and make a log book entry and document medical visits to their Dr. and treatment received. Pilots that have lapsed in a medical over 10 yrs need to retake a medical. The question is why is AOPA and EAA endorsing this with these changes?

    This will push out the medicals to 10 years, including special issuance, which is where the real nightmare currently exists. While it's less than ideal, it relieves many pilots of ridiculously expensive medical tests annually for special issuance medicals and pushes them out to 10 years. Would I rather be rid of medicals all together? Of course. Are we being sold out? I guess we'll have to wait and see on that issue, but it may be the only way to get this through at all. Would I accept this rather than forging ahead and losing the battle? In a heart beat.

    -Cub Builder

    Opinions will vary depending on which way you are looking through the 10 year 'window'

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