I'm with you John. Nothing more funner than beach landings. Back in the last century, when I lived in coastal Maine, it was great fun to land my Champ on the many beaches in the area. None had the map symbol for wildlife refuges or state park. The FAA could care less and the state had no law against it. The state later banned it after I left.

I now live on the Gulf coast and used to fly to destinations in LA and TX. One place in TX had an arrival near a whooping crane nesting habitat. Just imagine the grief that would come from an accidental over flight.

Another factor is the tides. In coastal Maine, there are 10 foot or more tidal rises and falls. An area 200 yds to in places 1/4 mile wide of hard packed damp sand was available at low tide. "Runway" length was measured in miles. It was like landing on concrete. By contrast, I observe that along the Gulf coast, we have 13 inches of rise and fall. The hard pack is limited between low tide mark and the dune line. And you MUST NOT defile the dunes. This could result in a T.O or landing like the vid above. Y'all be careful now! and good luck.
