I'm grateful for the quality and the speed of the updates so far. Several aircraft types have been announced that I had been looking forward to seeing at Oshkosh at some stage.
Some of the updates lead me to wonder whether particular other types have been considered/requested. I'm not sure how active the EAA are in trying to get specific aircraft to attend AirVenture, but in the context of the invitation to 'Rutan and canard aircraft owners to come to Oshkosh and participate in the festivities' (Feb. 19 update), for instance, has any contact been made with Northrop Grumman to bring (the) Proteus? I don't believe it has ever visited Oshkosh (apart from a few fly-overs), while it would still baffle most visitors with its unique lay-out. Along the same lines I'm hoping we will again be treated to a flying display by a Beech Starship. In the Mar. 19 update reference was made to NASA's centennial. Anything NASA brings will be special, but I'm hoping invitations have been extended to some of the more 'really special' types, such as their 747SP SOFIA or S-3 (based on publicly available calendars I realise many types will not be available, e.g. DC-8, both ER-2's, P-3, both C-130's, ...). Or should we, enthusiasts, start to put pressure on Northrop, NASA, etc. to get them to bring aircraft we would like to see?
Lastly, I found out on the VAA's Facebook page that the B-52 is currently scheduled to arrive a couple of days before AirVenture and leave on the Monday after. A pity, as I had been looking forward to seeing it land on 36L and take-off from 18R. As I can stay until Monday night I'm hoping it won't take off until Monday afternoon (~position of the sun for photos). But wouldn't it be nice if that kind of information was included in the updates? Or if there was (like there used to be before the website was overhauled) a list of expected participants, with such details? (more and more fly-ins now have a section on their website showing pre-registered participants)