While reading Jack Pelton's Commentary in the January SA, I couldn't help but notice the conspicuous absence of the word "AirVenture' in his description of improvements for the event in 2015. He uses the word "Oshkosh" exclusively. So to satisfy my curious mind, I did a little non-empirical research of the edition.

The feature article" Oshkosh Rookies". The title alone appears to be telling in itself and possibly another reason to think that AirVenture could be deliberately eradicated from the lexicon. In the article, Oshkosh appears 27 times while AirVenture appears only 8 times--more than 3 times as much.

In Letters to the Editor is the headline of one letter: "Thank You Oshkosh Volunteers" which is editorial writing.

The Sweepstakes Prize Cub piece uses only AirVenture Oshkosh or just AirVenture in it's references.

In Member Central under the headline "Get Ready for Oshkosh 2015", the words are mixed.

A quick glance at the website shows AirVenture still in use.

Are we looking at conscious efforts to slowly roll-out rebranding; market retooling; a return to the days of yore or are these examples just mere anomalistic coincidences. Am I making too much of this, grasping at straws? Perhaps. Perhaps not. When the Chairman of EAA does not use the word "AirVenture" to describe the biggest cash cow's identity, I gotta think something could be afoot.

Random musings on a cold, snowy day. What y'all think out there?