I love Airventure. There is nothing like it. I go every year. The EAA and volunteers do an amazing job on this massive event and I'm very grateful to all involved. But, there are always things that could be improved upon. One of these is the use of golf carts for touring the grounds. I understand the Gators and such are needed by some of the vendors to restock booths etc. But for the great majority of us shuffling about on foot, taking in all that Airventure has to offer, dodging golf carts zipping through the grounds becomes a bit annoying, and can be dangerous. I've seen golf carts cruising the isles of the Aeromart, and parked in front of people trying to watch the air show or concerts. I'm sure that these carts are very convenient but we clearly can't all drive around in them. That being said I would really like to see them limited to only those needed for operations. Unfortunately, the EAA has again decided to auction off the use of 2 carts for personal cruising through the crowd at Airventure. Now 2 more carts will not make any noticeable difference, but it sends the wrong message, just like the fenced off "special" seating areas at air show center did. I think this is a poor decision and does not reflect on the way I would like to see things go at the worlds greatest aviation event.

Any thoughts on the subject?
