A couple of thoughts. I'm presuming the schemes chosen continue on the wings.

#5 and #7 are pretty, but bad ideas in a VFR environment. The overall grey/bronze/whatever will blend with the ground, making it MUCH harder to see. We've got a grey-painted somethingorother at my home drome, and trying to spot him on base/final from downwind is almost impossible.

#7, while not a solid color, will give the same effect from a few hundreds of feet away. It also breaks up the outline of the plane (similar to the WWII splinter camouflage on ships) and makes it harder for the brain recognize what it's seeing.

Bill's comments about reducing glare when viewing forward is a good one. Depends on the plane design, but I think the pilot sits pretty tall in the saddle on a 750; consider a matte section in front of the cabin.

Ron Wanttaja