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Thread: OSH 2014 Webcams?

  1. #1
    jjhoneck's Avatar
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    OSH 2014 Webcams?

    Please tell me that there will be webcams on the runways this year, with 30-minute snippets available for later download?

    Charge $10/snippet, for those of us who fly-in. EAA with will make thousands, easy-peasey!

  2. #2
    EAA Staff / Moderator Hal Bryan's Avatar
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    Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States
    The webcams will be back with one or two fun new for downloadable snippets, I'm not sure that's in the cards for this year, but it's something we'd love to do. The recording and downloading part, not necessarily the $10 part...

    Hal Bryan
    EAA Lifetime 638979
    Vintage 714005 | Warbirds 553527
    Managing Editor
    EAA—The Spirit of Aviation

  3. #3
    jjhoneck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hal Bryan View Post
    The webcams will be back with one or two fun new for downloadable snippets, I'm not sure that's in the cards for this year, but it's something we'd love to do. The recording and downloading part, not necessarily the $10 part...
    Make it $25 then! :-)

    I would LOVE to have my arrival at the annual convention immortalized and saved for posterity. I am certain that others feel the same.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by jjhoneck View Post
    I am certain that others feel the same.
    I bet some are glad it isn't recorded!

  5. #5

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    I will offer a perspective about pictures of arrivals at OSH.

    Some years ago, I flew my Globe Swift to OSH. Flew the arrival to Rwy 27, the usual right traffic. Russell Munson, the photographer for Flying magazine for many years must have been out taking photos on the arrivals because a couple of months later one of my friends stopped me and said "that's a nice photo of you in Flying." I looked at him like he had two heads and said something intelligent like "Photo? What photo?". That month's issue of Flying had a number of photos of aircraft landing at OSH among other OSH pictures, and sure enough, there I, Ann, and the Swift were. Up on a wing tip, gear and flaps down, turning base for rwy 27. Great shot. I wanted a copy for my wall.

    I did some detective work and came up with an e-mail for Mr Munson. Asked what I could pay for a copy of the photo. Mr munson was very nice but explained that he only took the pictures for use in the magazine and the books that he published. The photo was not for sale. I can tell you that I would have eagerly paid $50 plus shipping for a copy of that photo. Not for sale.

    So I have a coffee mug from that visit, plus the photo plaque that the good folks in the Antique Classic area make after taking your picture proudly standing in front of your parked airplane.

    But I still would like a copy of that photo. And I'll bet that a bunch of other pilots would like a picture of them arriving at OSH also. Now that digital photography has made pictures essentially free, and photo printers can provide almost instant gratification, I am surprised that no one, either EAA or a vendor, has set up a booth that sells photos of individual arrivals. If one in 10 pilots buy a photo, a profit could be made. And EAA has some great photographers on tap.

    Best of luck,


  6. #6
    EAA Staff / Moderator Hal Bryan's Avatar
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    Wes, we've actually been trying, with mixed success, to collect and upload as many arrival photos as possible. Our flightline volunteers take huge numbers of pictures, but, at the end of the day, they probably only get shots of a fairly small percentage of the aircraft that come in. You can see the bulk uploads on Flickr here:

    It's not the best from an organizational standpoint, but it's a place to park them until we can figure out if we can actually meet our goal of taking and providing photos of every arrival, or at least more nearly so.

    Hal Bryan
    EAA Lifetime 638979
    Vintage 714005 | Warbirds 553527
    Managing Editor
    EAA—The Spirit of Aviation

  7. #7
    MEdwards's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WLIU View Post
    I will offer a perspective about pictures of arrivals at OSH. ... But I still would like a copy of that photo.
    Too bad, Wes. I was luckier.

    In 2010 two separate photos of our arrival showed up in the AirVenture daily newspaper. Not one but two! In separate articles in different parts of the paper. I'd noticed a photographer with the requisite two foot long lens standing there as we taxied in, but didn't give it a second thought as I followed the flag-people to Vintage. One of the photos was mislabeled, saying we were part of the Bonanzas to Oshkosh mass arrival, which we weren't, but that didn't hurt my feelings any--can't speak for the B2OSH group.

    That day I stopped a photographer for the paper somewhere on the field and asked if he'd taken the pictures. He hadn't, but he suggested we go by the newspaper office and ask about it. We did that, and couldn't have been treated in a more friendly fashion by an enthusiastic editor. She said she'd have to contact the photographer to make sure he didn't have a problem (he didn't) and then she emailed me jpeg copies of both photos free of charge. They're on my office wall in front of me right now as I type--two fine photos which bring back great memories all the time.

    Mike E

  8. #8

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    If you're interested in still shots as opposed to video, you might check out some of the other photo sites , , etc. I googled my N-number one day and was surprised to find a photo of me taxiing around Oshkosh 2010.

  9. #9

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    Thanks for the response. When I Google search N78041 I do indeed find a nice photo of my Swift in the Antique Classic parking area ... of Sun-N-Fun. That said, I am fortunate to have a number of OSH Antique Classic plaques on my wall that have on their front the Polaroid (remember them) pictures of me, and later Ann and me, and the Swift at OSH.

    My suggestion is that if the good photographers at Airventure downloaded their cameras to a system at a central location near the flightline where pilots could walk up to the window and ask "my N-number is 12345, did you get a picture of me coming in?", EAA could charge a couple of $$ to print a copy or e-mail it to the pilot at home, if that pilot was lucky enough to have their arrival captured in a picture. I will suggest that this could be self supporting financially, or even make a couple of $$.

    Just an idea.

    Of course I would really really like to have a photo of me touching down on Rwy 36 in tight (2 wingspans) formation with Jared Smith as part of a mass arrival, but that landing was another example of how when you do it right no one takes a picture but when you goof up.....

    Best of luck,


  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rawheels View Post
    I bet some are glad it isn't recorded!
    Yeah Just ask AIRBUS!

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