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Thread: Smoking at Airventure,

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Clarklake, MI
    Quote Originally Posted by vaflier View Post
    If someone is smoking in the designated areas and you do not wish to be around it, then please feel free to stay away from those areas.
    That's all well and good but I'll second what miemsed said, smoking occurs outside the designated areas and it appears this is acceptable.

  2. #12

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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by miemsed View Post
    EAA should take care of that just like sporting events have.
    Malexander nailed how this should work. Yes, EAA should take care of it. You are EAA, it is a membership organization, so you are EAA. And him, and her, and me and we. That is how EAA handles things. Polite but effective volunteers.

    No, I don't smoke. No, I don't agree it should be outlawed for adults. Yes, smokers should pay health insurance premiums determined by actuaries considering medical risk factors, just like everyone else should be evaluated. No, their premiums should not be determined by politicians. When I am offended by tobacco smoke in smoking-denied places, it becomes a free-fire zone for my methane contribution to global warming. Life is more enjoyable when I whine less about other people's faults.
    Last edited by Mike M; 01-14-2014 at 06:19 AM.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by martymayes View Post
    That's all well and good but I'll second what miemsed said, smoking occurs outside the designated areas and it appears this is acceptable.
    It's "acceptable" only in that the negatives haven't quite outweighed people's proclivity towards live and let live. The majority of people are non-smokers. They abide smoking around them, smoke in their eyes and up their noses as the random puffs are expelled their way. If it becomes just a bit more of an issue, probably more people will pressure EAA to further sequester is happening in this thread.

    We hear and read about personal choices and responsibilities, often in terms of smokers' rights. But, those rights end at the tip of their neighbor's nose, not up inside it.
    Last edited by Jeff Boatright; 01-14-2014 at 07:37 AM.

  4. #14
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    People love to hate. Of course they won't say they hate just for hates sake, but that's usually the case. They make up some religious, medical, or scientific babble to justify their hate. The argument on second-hand smoke is largely illusory (and as more UNBIASED research comes out, it seems almost nonexistent). The ultimate in ridiculousness is NYC banned e-cigs. The reason is clear. People aren't concerned over smoke, they just hate the idea of smokers.

    No I don't smoke either.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
    People love to hate. Of course they won't say they hate just for hates sake, but that's usually the case. They make up some religious, medical, or scientific babble to justify their hate. The argument on second-hand smoke is largely illusory (and as more UNBIASED research comes out, it seems almost nonexistent). The ultimate in ridiculousness is NYC banned e-cigs. The reason is clear. People aren't concerned over smoke, they just hate the idea of smokers.

    No I don't smoke either.

    That's not my perception, but who knows what motivates people? Maybe hate, but I think it's probably more a learned reaction based on previous experience when around smokers. I've been around smokers all my life. With rare exceptions, and regardless of how they whinge on about being oppressed by non-smokers, they are not courteous about the impact of their habit on those around them. It is the rule and not the exception that smokers blow their palls horizontally into the breathing space of those around them. It is the rule and not the exception that, when done with the cancer stick, the smoker tosses the butt on the ground. So much for personal responsibility.

  6. #16
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Such is the behavior of most dolts (smoking or not). People throw crap on the ground, people drive vehicles on soft ground between the rows and give crapload of grief to those (even in authority) who ask them to stop. For good reason I'm neither working for security or in any larger position of authority other than middle management at Airventure (where I politely inform people of the rules and if they won't comply or wish to discuss it I bump it up the food chain).

    There are a small amount of dolts in the population, smoking and non-smoking that make things annoying for the rest of us. For every one who throws the butt on the sidewalk, there's 100 more that put them in either an official or otherwise reasonable disposal. Hell I've seen people leave used diapers in disgusting locations. Let's ban babies from Airventure.

  7. #17
    Mike Switzer's Avatar
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    I don't smoke, but...

    Obesity kills way more people than smoking (either smoking directly or secondhand). I think EAA should ban all of the corn dogs & other "fair food".

    While they are at it they might as well ban fat people, they take up more than their share of space & skinny people don't like to look at them.

    (Just thought I would make a humorous comparison)

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    New Hampshire
    There is something comical about reading the opinions of a bunch of folks who create noise pollution and spew partly burned leaded fuel into the atmosphere, and create noise in the sky that frightens a lot of people, talk about other folks bad habits.

    I think that the late Jim Morrison said that "No one here gets out alive."

    The grounds at the big show are stunningly clean, which is a tribute to the good manners of 99% of the folks who fly, drive, and walk in. There are a few folks who don't do as well, but they are easy to avoid. Not a problem worth much energy.

    I will hazard a guess this topic is a product of, it is winter, most of us, including me, can't fly much, and we are running out of constructive topics to talk about.

    Best of luck,


  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
    Such is the behavior of most dolts (smoking or not)...There are a small amount of dolts in the population, smoking and non-smoking that make things annoying for the rest of us. For every one who throws the butt on the sidewalk, there's 100 more that put them in either an official or otherwise reasonable disposal. Hell I've seen people leave used diapers in disgusting locations. Let's ban babies from Airventure.

    "A 2009 observational study by Keep America Beautiful found cigarette butts were the single most littered item, and that 57 percent of smokers threw their butts on the ground when outdoors, compared with 43 percent who disposed of them properly."


    The majority of smokers toss their butts on the ground. That's pretty far from the assumption of 1 "dolt" in every 100 smokers. Obviously this may not be the case at Oshkosh or other venues where, in theory, smoking is sequestered. I wonder what the tossing rate is, though, for Oshkosh smokers who smoke outside of the designated areas. Again, so much for personal responsibility...

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by WLIU View Post
    There is something comical about reading the opinions of a bunch of folks who create noise pollution and spew partly burned leaded fuel into the atmosphere, and create noise in the sky that frightens a lot of people, talk about other folks bad habits...

    Yep, about as ironic as someone commenting about all the people discussing smoking at Airventure on a thread entitled "Smoking at Airventure"


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