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Thread: Mobilize the House against FAA ???

  1. #1
    TedK's Avatar
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    Mobilize the House against FAA ???

    We all just received an email request from EAA to mobilize the House, as we previously did the Senate, on the issue of the FAA's demand of payment for what had previously been paid with govt funds.

    Before I twist my Representative's arm, I wanted to know why the EAA apparently capitulated to the FAA's demand before the Senate's suspense date with the FAA, so I called EAA HQ. I spoke with an apparently knowledgable gent who said the FAA upped the ante on the EAA and said agree by such and such date or no Airventure. If this is true (and I see no reason to doubt his veracity) then EAA ought to publish the FAA 's demand so that we can all carry it forward in outrage.

    EAA show us the communications with FAA so we can carry forward documentation vice assertions.

  2. #2
    EAA Staff
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    Sep 2011
    Hi, Ted:

    The EAA staffer you spoke to on Wednesday was correct. Here’s a somewhat truncated timeline of events (sorry in advance for the length):

    In April, Congress give special permission to FAA to move money within its budget for air traffic services because of the air traffic tower and controllers issue. FAA officials contacted at the time and asked specifically about AirVenture operations assured EAA it would be “business as usual.”

    On May 13, in a personal conversation with EAA Chairman Jack Pelton and EAA VP Advocacy and Safety Sean Elliott in Washington, D.C., FAA Administrator Michael Huerta and COO David Grizzle laid out this ultimatum:

    1. EAA will sign a contract and pay the fees
    2. Failure to do so means FAA will not give EAA the air traffic staff and waivers (including the NOTAM) needed to bring in all the airplanes for the event
    3. EAA is not allowed to run the event as an uncontrolled field or with retired/volunteer controllers
    4. If EAA doesn’t sign the contract in a rapid fashion, FAA won’t send the controllers

    The initial contract called for a payment of $479,000 (eventually reduced to $447,000). Mr. Grizzle and FAA representatives contacted EAA on a nearly daily basis at the end of May demanding that contract be signed or no controllers would be scheduled for Oshkosh, citing a 60-day advance notice. U.S. Rep. Tom Petri, who represents Oshkosh in the House, asked FAA a list of very specific questions regarding FAA’s assessment and was basically told by Mr. Grizzle that FAA’s position would not change. Afterward, Senators began circulating a letter to FAA demanding answers to this new policy and calling the sudden charges “unacceptable.” The Senate originally required a response by June 7, but delays in completing the letter in the Senate moved the response date to no later than June 13. FAA demanded a signed contract prior to that date or would not schedule controllers.

    As far as we know, as of June 19 the Senators have yet to receive an official response.

    Using contract tower controllers was also studied, but FAA’s current contract tower agreement with Wittman Regional Airport includes language that states that the contract tower crew will not operate the tower during AirVenture week.

  3. #3
    steve's Avatar
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    To put it another way, the FAA said they will not not permit the EAA to stage an Oshkosh-like event without the FAA on hand. And the FAA won't be on-hand for free. And furthermore, tax money collected from the sale of avgas isn't any good here. Wasn't the right to assemble one of those basic point the founding fathers had in mind?

  4. #4
    TedK's Avatar
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    Dick - Thank you for the chronology and statement of events. I think it is important for EAA, SNF, CS, etc to expose the FAA to as much sunlight as possible.


  5. #5
    Anymouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Knapinski View Post
    Here’s a somewhat truncated timeline of events...
    That's pretty close to what I suspected was going on.

    It will be interesting to see how this ends up. My guess is that the longer this is all stretched out, the uglier it will get. Either way, this will more than likely end up in future textbooks.
    Someday I'll come up with something profound to put here.

  6. #6

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    Words like ultimatum suggest extortion. (Even if staff can't say the word)
    I think a strong and creative response is required when faced with extortion. I hope all options are still open.

    Perhaps Airventure could continue with fewer GA airplanes. Maybe an option is to close the airport during the week of July 29-August 4 (but also invite early airplane arrivals for those that wish to protest).

    I think it's reported that usually something like 10,000 airplanes fill the field. But this number seems large to me, because I have an aerial photo of a past air show grounds. I counted 55 rows of 11 planes parked in the north forty south side (about 605 airplanes) and about 50 rows of 25 airplanes west of runway 18 (about 1250 airplanes).
    That's only 1850 by my count (even if you double that for other small areas, it's still under 4000 on the field by my quick estimate)
    I guess airplanes must come and go during the show in order to get this reported 10,000 number.

    So I don't feel the show would suffer much with a few thousand less airplanes and this could send a message to help save personal aviation.
    Besides, most of the 500,000 come by car. (Like me)

  7. #7
    EAA Staff
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    Hi, Bill:

    I can clarify that airplane number for you. That 10,000 number I've always been careful to say that is the total number of aircraft that come to the region specifically for the event. You're right in that when the airport is completely jammed with aircraft, it's a little bit over 5,000 airplanes. With weeklong movements, it's about 7,000-8,000 airplanes that park at Wittman during the week. However, there are also about 1,000 airplanes that park at Fond du Lac whose pilots shuttle to Oshkosh each day, and several hundred at Appleton in the GA parking area, too. Add in the hundred or so each in Neenah, Waupaca, New Holstein and other small airports where people land, and pretty soon the number easily tops 10,000. I use that as a conservative number.

    Unfortunately, cancelling the event or boycotting unfortunately would send a message to no one – as the FAA or those above them do not care if that happens. We understand that those above are sending the FAA its marching orders on this as part of a bigger budget sequestration standoff. So, it’s more important that we keep the event going to show our resolve and unity – as well as provide the opportunities for all the aviation businesses that come to Oshkosh (by the way, 75% of those companies are American and 70% of those have fewer than 100 employees). AirVenture is their Black Friday and their Christmas season. Not having the event would effectively kill a number of those businesses and those jobs.

    Thanks again for the question.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Klapka View Post
    Dick - Thank you for the chronology and statement of events. I think it is important for EAA, SNF, CS, etc to expose the FAA to as much sunlight as possible.

    I second that emotion. Dick, I need to say that if we had this factual chain of events content at the time it was received/known by EAA, 90% of the verbage expended on all the related threads here would have been deemed unnecessary.

  9. #9
    Anymouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dick Knapinski View Post
    Hi, Bill:

    I can clarify that airplane number for you. That 10,000 number I've always been careful to say that is the total number of aircraft that come to the region specifically for the event. You're right in that when the airport is completely jammed with aircraft, it's a little bit over 5,000 airplanes. With weeklong movements, it's about 7,000-8,000 airplanes that park at Wittman during the week. However, there are also about 1,000 airplanes that park at Fond du Lac whose pilots shuttle to Oshkosh each day, and several hundred at Appleton in the GA parking area, too. Add in the hundred or so each in Neenah, Waupaca, New Holstein and other small airports where people land, and pretty soon the number easily tops 10,000. I use that as a conservative number.

    Unfortunately, cancelling the event or boycotting unfortunately would send a message to no one – as the FAA or those above them do not care if that happens. We understand that those above are sending the FAA its marching orders on this as part of a bigger budget sequestration standoff. So, it’s more important that we keep the event going to show our resolve and unity – as well as provide the opportunities for all the aviation businesses that come to Oshkosh (by the way, 75% of those companies are American and 70% of those have fewer than 100 employees). AirVenture is their Black Friday and their Christmas season. Not having the event would effectively kill a number of those businesses and those jobs.

    Thanks again for the question.
    I can only imagine the economic impact to the area as well. All those people buying gas, eating food, staying in hotels and purchasing other stuff has put a dent in the coffers.
    Last edited by Anymouse; 06-20-2013 at 09:31 AM. Reason: Totally re-worded so it didn't sound like rambling.
    Someday I'll come up with something profound to put here.

  10. #10
    PaulDow's Avatar
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    I wonder if declining to volunteer to staff the position would have an adverse effect on a controller's career. Now that I think of it, that process probably has already been done. Of course, EAA members are too smart and nice to take it out on the actual controllers. Management is the real evil, but I would think that wearing the pink shirt would no longer be a status symbol around the grounds this year.
    I did notice that I can't find a "Meet the FAA Administrator" forum this year. I'm guessing EAA wanted to charge too much to use the forum shed.

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