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Thread: Act Now: FAA Proposes AirVenture User Fees

  1. #1
    Jonathan Harger

    Act Now: FAA Proposes AirVenture User Fees

    EAA is asking for members' support as we fight against the FAA's proposal to charge AirVenture with a very substantial "reimbusible"--a nearly $500,000 user fee--for ATC support.

    Several US Senators have expressed interest in telling the FAA that they have had enough of that agency's attempts to unilaterally impose taxes and/or user fees on the flying public. In fact, there is a letter being circulated for signatures in the Senate as I write this, and we would truly appreciate you contacting your Senators and urging them to sign this letter to FAA Administrator Michael Huerta.

    We are deeply concerned that this massive fee, which the FAA is proposing to levy on top of their normal tax-derived revenue, is a signal that the FAA is no longer concerned with supporting GA but instead only airline passengers. After all, you'd think that they would appropriately budget for ATC at the world's busiest airport--Wittman Regional during AirVenture--as they have for the past several decades. If they don't see maintaining safety at AirVenture as part of their agency's core function but instead as an add-on, then what is their core function?

    Please contact your Senator and ask them to endorse this letter in support of GA. We are very interested in stopping this attempt at bleeding GA with a series of "fees" before it gains traction and this "revenue gathering method" becomes the new normal.
    Thank you for your support!

    -Jonathan Harger, EAA Government Advocacy and Safety

  2. #2
    CarlOrton's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    DFW Area
    Several of us were pointed to the task from the AirVenture forums, Jonathan; when I sent mine, it looks like quite a few have already contributed as well. I'll admit it's a formidable job!

    Carl Orton
    Sonex #1170 / Zenith 750 Cruzer

  3. #3
    rwanttaja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Thanks, for the heads-up, Jonathan, and your work to make it happen.

    Ron Wanttaja

  4. #4
    Jim Rosenow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Smithville, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by rwanttaja View Post
    Thanks, for the heads-up, Jonathan, and your work to make it happen.

    Ron Wanttaja
    What Ron said, in spades!!! Thanks! I sent my letters and was disappointed , but not surprised,to receive a canned reply.....

    "Thank you for sending me your comments. Listening to the views of the people I represent in the U.S. Senate is a critical part of my job. I do my best to provide every Ohioan with a prompt response. If you have an urgent matter, please feel free to call any of my offices in Ohio or Washington, DC."

    I believe there is strength in numbers...come on folks, let's get it done!


    PS- Jonathan...the 'contact your Senator' page and letter are not restricted to EAA members, are they? We have a fairly large airport association in the area, and many of those folks are not EAA members. Would like to get this info to the contact list if that's kosher. Thanks!
    Last edited by Jim Rosenow; 06-04-2013 at 06:39 AM. Reason: Add PS

  5. #5
    Jonathan Harger
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Rosenow View Post
    PS- Jonathan...the 'contact your Senator' page and letter are not restricted to EAA members, are they? We have a fairly large airport association in the area, and many of those folks are not EAA members. Would like to get this info to the contact list if that's kosher. Thanks!
    Anyone can use the page--the more the merrier!

  6. #6
    Jonathan Harger
    Also: Instead of 2:30pm Eastern today, the deadline for Senators to sign the bipartisan letter to Administrator Huerta will be tomorrow at noon. This is good news--some Senators want more time to talk to their colleagues, and we'd like more time for the impact of our Rally Congress campaign to be felt.
    By the way: You have all sent more than 13,400 letters to your Senators. Thank you all very much for taking action!

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I have signed and sent the link out to other pilot friends of mine.

  8. #8
    Jonathan Harger
    Quote Originally Posted by FloridaJohn View Post
    I have signed and sent the link out to other pilot friends of mine.
    Thank you! We're over 14,300 letters and almost 9,000 participants now--because of people passing the message along to friends.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    I encourage all my fellow Canadian EAA members and pilots who fly to Oshkosh every year to sign the petition. Use EAA HQ zip code as your own in order to do so.
    Last edited by Floatsflyer; 06-04-2013 at 09:55 AM.

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