I'm looking to get into aircraft ownership, and was hoping to find a partnership to make the costs a bit more palatable. I am hoping to find a share of an aircraft in central Connecticut near MMK, KHFD, SNC, 4C3, 4B8, etc.

My first choice of aircraft would be a 2 seater (Ercoupe, champ, J-3, Long EZ, Q-2, etc.), but would also consider a single seater (Mooney M-18, Teenie Too, Quickie Q-1, Flybaby, Mini Max, Airbike, etc. if it's cheap enough) , or a 4 seater (PA-28, Grumman).

Let me know if you or someone you know is looking for a partner. Obviously cost in all the listed aircraft varies a lot. I'd be looking to stay under $5,000, but could go higher for the right aircraft.