I'm spooling up to build a set of ribs for my L-2 and need to buy a stapler or nail gun. I've seen recommendations elsewhere for a Senco SFW10XP-A/D Fine Wire Upholstery stapler. They are expensive at ~$200 but in the whole scheme of things that's not a problem. But if there's a cheaper or better alternative I can certainly spend the money on other things. They had a hand stapler to use in the rib building workshop at Oshkosh but I didn't get the brand/model. The material is the same thickness as used in the workshop, i.e. 1/4" thick cap strips and 1/16" gussets, so I need to shoot 3/16" or 1/4" length staples. I'd prefer an air or electric powered unit as hand squeezing anything is getting real old. (Two RV's = too many clecos) Any suggestions?