You have the real spirit of EAA and that is exactly what motivated the founder in the first place. As a former Cost Analyst I will tell everyone right up front that you can't cost justify personal flying for pure fun. I justify the activity based on the value I place on it in my own life. I'm looking at 70 candles on my next birthday cake, quite a bonfire! I've been flying as a pilot for 20 years and I "budget" my time and $ so I can log a few hours each month. It get peace of mind in the "low and slow", but still haven't had 2 flight that were identical. If your young, get involved to the level you can afford and don't waste a lot of time and energy on the things you wished you could afford. If you have already acquired a license you know how great you feel in having accomplished that milestone, imagine how it would feel to fly something you spend months or years building!
