I am new and just wanted to stop and say hello, my interest is homebuilding, pre-1910 aeroplanes or rightfully called flying machines. My first was a 1902 Wright Brothers glider it was only 1/3 scale but built using the same technology and materials as the Wrights. I wanted to fly it as a kitebut was talked out of it by a couple of museums. My current project is a 1905 John Montgomery ‘Santa Clara’ with a 24 ft tandem wing span and a 17 ft. body,which was successfully flown several times in California with a drop altitude of 4,000 ft. We plan to recreate the flights of Montgomery late next year. The machine is about Ό complete, and I start work on the second wing next week. If anyone is interested I can post photos as the project continues(if thats allowed) Anyway I just wanted to say HI.