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Thread: Speakers on flightline

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Omro, WI
    The legacy sound system was worthless in my opinion. As soon as any plane was in the air, you couldn't hear what was being said anyway. I for one liked the new speakers, for once I could hear the announcer and understand what he was saying about the aircraft in the air.

  2. #12
    FlyingRon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    NC26 (Catawba, NC)
    Frankly, the announcer is usually a bunch of inane drivel, mostly inaccurate at best and usually patently fictional stories that do nothing to enhance the airshow experience. Thank god I'm usually far enough south that I can't hear it.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Chicago Suburbs
    Okay... so sticking my head out on the chopping block here... What did you think of our new speakers in 2013? McGyver

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    A good place for the speakers would be in Appleton.

    Flying Ron is right on , much of what comes out of the speakers is just noise, and the only one impressed with most of it is the person saying it.
    I was watching one of the acro pilots. can't remember who, and he was doing a good job. but nothing out of the ordinary or that a dozen other acts haven't done. He has some inane announcer shouting into the PA system about how great and rare this act was. I wonder if the pilot has even listened to how much over the line the guy was, he could make a late night TV evangelist sound timid. It was so noisy and unpleasant that I quit watching and went inside a building to get away from the noise.
    Particularly in an event that goes on all day and all week, the last thing visitors need is someone shouting at them. It just creates an unpleasant environment.

  5. #15
    FlyingRon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    NC26 (Catawba, NC)
    The speakers this year were better, thank you. Still, the other annoying thing perhaps you can relay to the attractions:

    Use EITHER a narration or music. Those who tried to narrate over music during their acts were largely unintelligible.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Chicago Suburbs
    Not much control over our Performer's music selection or usage, Ron... it's the same thing they generally use at OTHER shows as well.. There ARE, however, many performers who DO read these posts... and pay attention to them. It's a good form of feedback for them. I can at least pass your comments along, however. I CAN say this from personal experience... if you ARE going to talk over music, at least talk over the instrumental part and not the lyrics... that just makes things really unintelligible.

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