Back when I was instructing....

Intro flights: I did the weather check & I did the preflight before they got there. I did walk around and point out the main parts of the aircraft. I ran the checklists and did what I could to get them into the air as quickly and as stress-free as possible. After takeoff they flew it all until short final. No steep banks, no rapid maneuvering, and NO TURBULENCE. If it was bumpy I cancelled. One lousy flight can ruin a prospective student.

After that: all instructional flights were basically as described earlier - weather briefing and preflight by student. I made them carry around the preflight checklist until they could demonstrate they had it memorized. Lights were checked only if flying at night. The very act of checking them shortens bulb life, and is no guarantee they won't fail the next time you turn them on. Same for pitot heat.