Hi all! Having grown up obsessed with aviation, I was fortunate enough to have attended Airventure in 2003 and 2004 thanks to my fantastic grandparents. Now finishing college, a few weeks ago I made the decision to attend Airventure this year because I can't stand not to. My plan is to arrive early Monday morning and stay through part of Friday. My work schedule and a weekend wedding dictate the length of my stay, otherwise I'd stay longer. I will be staying in a tent in Camp Scholler. Might anyone have some immediate tips or random bits of information that might be handy? It's been tough keeping up with all the emails, news, etc. as we get closer.

I'm a professional photographer and am trying to get into aviation photography (so far just static!), thus I will be carrying around a couple cameras throughout the week. My hope is to spend an hour or two a day doing some static work around sunrise and sunset, weather permitting. Currently I am debating renting a 1.4x tele-extender for my 300mm 2.8 lens, as I took some photos at a local airshow a couple weekends ago and found the reach without to be just a tad short.

Aside from some photography, my only specific plans are to exhaust myself checking out vendors, products, meeting and talking to people, learning, etc. Will probably be on my feet ten hours a day. I plan on bringing cold food to have for breakfast each morning, probably something for dinner each day and then plan on finding something for lunch each day (also refilling a water bottle).

Oh one more more thing. Though I was thinking I would stay with relatives in Fond du Lac late Sunday night and head up to Oshkosh as early as possible on Monday morning, should I even consider going straight to Oshkosh? The thing is I wouldn't be arriving until late, perhaps as late as 10 or 10:30 pm local time.