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Thread: Amphib Camping?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Amphib Camping?

    Hi Everyone,

    Am planning my second trip to OSH. First time was 2011 with my friends C182 camping in the north 40. This time I'm planning on bringing my Amphibian and parking at Amphibian parking (just west of 36L Threshold).

    My question is: Is tent camping possible or feasible that far south on the field? I can't find any definitive answer either way on the airventure website. Also, last year, unfortunately I never got around to walking much further south than the classics area to scope out the area.

    If camping is allowed in the amphib area, are there nearby showers, bathrooms?

    If it's too much of a bother, I'll probably just plan on camping with everyone back on the north 40....


  2. #2
    spongebobiwan's Avatar
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    Janesville, WI
    There is in fact camping in the Seaplane/Amphib area. And I imagine they certainly have port-a-potties set up in the area somewhere nearby. But, as to full-fledge bathrooms, I believe the closest is going to be up near the Ultralight Barn. As to showers, I'm not sure which is the closest. I believe there is one up by the Vintage Barn and Theater in the Woods, but I don't know if there's anything closer to the Amphib area than that. Actually, now that I think about it, I believe the one I'm actually thinking about is a little bit further west of the Vintage Barn and Theater in the Woods, closer to the western most end of Paul's Woods. Here's a link to the grounds map:
    Last edited by spongebobiwan; 07-17-2012 at 02:07 AM.

  3. #3
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    The Amphib area is just south of the gap in vintage parking where the ultralight runway protrudes into the campground. There are certainly portapotties there. I believe the second shower trailer is just south of that aircraft parking area. The next closest shower is the trailer adjacent to the hangar cafe (if they place them similarly to last year). Yes you can camp there.

  4. #4
    spongebobiwan's Avatar
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    Janesville, WI
    arrgghh!! Dang it! I forgot all about those shower trailers, even though I now distinctly remember walking right past them and thinking at the time how cool they were and that they were able to bring shower facilities way out there using those. Thanks FlyingRon. Ugh..getting old and losing my mind really sux sometimes. :-)

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Thanks SpongeBob and Ron,

    It looks like the airventure map just shows the permanent shower buildings and not the trailers. I'll plan on camping down in the Amphib area.

    Is the hangar cafe next to the vintage hangar?


  6. #6
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    The Hangar Cafe is the Knife and Fork icon where the Diagnoal Waupan Road runs into Wittman Road. It's been a few years since I've camped way south around row 120, but I'm pretty sure there's a trailer down there.

  7. #7
    spongebobiwan's Avatar
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    As Ron said. Incidentally, the EAA grounds map is great and all, but I just discovered that if you go to google maps, then type in Oshkosh, WI, the view of Whitman Field that shows up is actually during an AirVenture, I believe 2011. It's really nice for seeing a true photographic portrayal of where everything is at. Check it out: then type Oshkosh, WI in the search field.
    Last edited by spongebobiwan; 07-17-2012 at 11:27 AM.

  8. #8
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    NC26 (Catawba, NC)

    If you look at the above link, you can see the amphibs parked and then to the left where the tram turnaround is, is the shower trailer.

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