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Thread: Bike path

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Bike path

    Please, please, PLEASE!, I'd really like to have a bike path from the North 40 to the Forums Plaza.

    You can't get a seat on the northbound tram to the N40 in the afternoon, unless you start at its origin AND are willing to displace some cane-wielding octogenarian or mother carrying small children who missed their nap. Also, the trams stop before the evening events finish at Theater in the Woods. It's a long, miserable walk from Theater in the Woods to the N40 after walking around the show all day.

    The bike path from the N40 to the main gate doesn't help much, because it's a longer ride plus a long walk plus two trams to the Forums Plaza.

  2. #2
    there is room to put a bike parking lot behind the storage building that is located on Knapp street ( one block north of Galatin Ave--its right across the street from the form buildings
    you could get there by taking the bike path along the foundation road and then go east on Galatin Ave to the lot--the logistics of making sure people would not go further into the area would have to be worked out and also make sure the guy on foundation road checked for wrist bands ,etc.
    Could be done--BUT--I'm not the person to talk to

  3. #3
    steve's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

  4. #4
    [QUOTE=dougbush;14850]Please, please, PLEASE!, I'd really like to have a bike path from the North 40 to the Forums Plaza.

    I was in Oshkosh last week, asked John Carrier if EAA could set up a route for riding bicycles closer to show center. He said, “already done” and showed us on a map. New a couple years ago, but not well-known, is a place to park your bike closer to AirVenture’s center of activity – exhibit hangars A-D. Instead of having to park your bike near Camper Registration, and walking on Knapp Street over a mile to the big exhibit hangars, you can take a bike path along Foundation Road (east of the cemetery), turn left onto Galatin Street, and park bikes about a hundred yards from Hangar A.
    Look for the bike parking icon near “91”. This is the 2011 map; 2012 will be up soon..

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Awesome! Thanks!

    I didn't think I could get through the gate on Galatin Avenue at Foundation Road (at all, especially with a bike).

  6. #6
    Steve Taylor ( head of the EAA grounds) told me we would be able to use it.
    I will be at Oshkosh the thursday before it starts--will make a point of checking it out and making sure you have access to the bike parking lot.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin O'Halloran View Post
    Steve Taylor ( head of the EAA grounds) told me we would be able to use it.
    I will be at Oshkosh the thursday before it starts--will make a point of checking it out and making sure you have access to the bike parking lot.
    I used this route a number of times last year. Never a problem with the gate.

  8. #8
    Larry Lyons's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Stockton, IL.
    That looks good, what about us in the South 40 or just down to row 90 or so camping under the wing?
    No matter how far you push the envelope; its still stationary!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I'm at AirVenture now and I've been using the Gallatin Avenue bike parking all week. It's working out great! Thank you! The bike path is so much faster and more convenient than the tram. I also found the bike parking area next to exhibit hangar D and the one by the ultralight barn.

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