Dennis, this must be a bad time of year for you. There are men with white beards in red suits at many malls, stores, schools, ski areas, and other places all over the country.
And lots of Moms and even Dads or grandparents, bring toddlers and put them in the laps of these old guys. I have never heard one of these old guys complain; but it is a good thing that these toddlers are not inflicted on you or your plane.
As for me, I like people, most of them, and kids in particular.
I think the world and all of us would be better if things were more like kids and golden retreivers. They have wag in their tale and a smile on their face until someone treats them the wrong way.
Little kids and goldens don't wake up in the morning and say, who can I cheat today or who can I start a war with? Evil is not their normal nature, it has to be learned.