I have emailed Amy Lemke for the past few years on the subject of MOSAIC and vintage aircraft maintenance.

With the release of MOSAIC to NPRM, I see nothing that help’s maintenance of our CAR3 vintage aircraft. It seems the push was moving airframes into LSA but that does nothing to help add safer products to our aging fleet.

CAR3 aircraft are certified, but they are not Part 23 aircraft. Sure there were STCs originally started in the 1960s, 1970s and such, but they are no longer supported as the original STC holders have passed. Also no one will invest the $100,000+ to start a new STC.

CAR3 aircraft had to comply with CAM18 to be determined airworthy. There was not A TSO standard in 1946 when my Stinson 108 was contrstructed.

Now with MOSAIC, eLSA can install experimental avionics but guess what, not in my CAR3 certified aircraft.

It’s just PLANE Unfair and I expected the vintage department of EAA to fight harder to help us with a new certification class for vintage to more easily add safer equipment similar to how Canada allows vintage.

I would like to receive and email back from Amy to discuss more. I plan to organize a larger group of like minded vintage points of contact to reply to the NPRM and I would expect her support as well.

Thank you

Will Ware