Airventure is hot and big. It would be nice if it was easier to see more of it. Scooters and bikes are a good way to cover more ground and riding on them creates a refreshing breeze that helps cool you down on a hot day. I understand not allowing them in populated areas. But they should be allowed in more areas. They are allowed in N40 and S40... but not HBC. They should also be allowed around the classrooms and between boeing plaza through vintage and down to STOL. They should also be allow in the fly market. Perhaps even on the outside of the hangars, not the sides facing the plaza.

Its sad to miss something great at airventure simply because it was to far away. And no trolleys are not an option. They are too infrequent and are never going where you want, even if you can actually tell where they are going.. which you never can. Please solve this issue in the future.