On Tuesday, July 25, around 9 pm I saw a plane land on runway 9. I was camping in row 566 by the Hilton, so I had a pretty good view. I saw the plane on downwind, and was wondering what it was doing. It then descended and landed. It exited left (north) and taxied to a hangar on the north side (Weeks Hangar, maybe?). This was my 13th trip to Oshkosh. This is the first time I've ever seen a plane land at night. At first I thought somebody was going to get into some serious trouble (lifetime ban, etc.), then I realized it must be a VIP. This brings up some questions:

  1. Who was it?
  2. Was this operation approved?
  3. Has this happened before?
  4. Were any safety measures in place (i.e. - ground crew, etc.)
  5. I'm running late, can I land at 9pm, just this once?