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Thread: Need info on Lamb wheels and brakes

  1. #1
    bigdog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Spring, TX

    Need info on Lamb wheels and brakes

    I'm restoring a Rearwin Cloudster and it has been strongly recommended by a friend that has flown one to upgrade the brakes to Grove. Somewhere in the past the plane was converted from its original 3 inch wheels to 4 inch. I just assumed they were Cub wheels but didn't really look until today. The wheel is stamped "Lamb" and the brakes are a multi-disk stack keyed to the inner wheel. It stops by mechanically squeezing the whole stack. It also has a 11/2" axle. But before I yank them off I'd like to know more about what I've got. What's their history? How effective are they? Are parts available? Does anyone have info on the Lamb system? Thanks.
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    Greg Young
    1950 Navion N5221K
    RV-6 N6GY - first flight 5/16/2021
    1940 Rearwin Cloudster in work
    4 L-2 projects on deck

  2. #2

    Those appear to be your original Goodyear 3 inch wheels (and brakes) with Lamb adapters. The adapters increase the hub size to 4 inches allowing the use of 800X4 Cub tires.

    The alternating brake discs (usually bronze and steel) work like a clutch. The rotating discs are keyed to the wheel hub. The stationary discs are keyed to the fixed landing gear brake bracket.

    Try cleaning, inspecting and adjusting them to see how well they work.

    You’ll need to add master cylinders if you decide to upgrade to Groves.



  3. #3
    bigdog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Spring, TX
    Wow! I never would have guessed that but now it seems so obvious. I never knew there was an adapter kit like that. Explains why there's no specific record of a change to 4" wheels and why Goodyear is on the inner ring.

    I do know I've got to add master cylinders. That will be part of my field approval package. Solving this mystery was a prerequisite for me before moving forward with a 337 approval. Thanks, you made my day.
    Greg Young
    1950 Navion N5221K
    RV-6 N6GY - first flight 5/16/2021
    1940 Rearwin Cloudster in work
    4 L-2 projects on deck

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