View Full Version : Aviation Speech Ideas?

Ryan Hornback
11-27-2011, 10:37 PM
I am on my schools speech team, and am supposed to be writing a speech about something I am passionate about. Hands down I am most passionate about aviation. I wanted to see if you all had any ideas on what I could make my speech about? Anything could be used from how aviation helps to improve dropout rates in schools with aviation programs, or how aviation is so important to everyday life, while it often goes without recognition. Any ideas would be appreciated! :)

Adam Smith
11-27-2011, 10:49 PM
10 Aircraft That Changed the World? (Things like the Wright Flyer, Spirit of St Louis, DC-3, P-51, Boeing 747). The Future of Aviation?

11-27-2011, 11:02 PM

Frank Giger
11-27-2011, 11:44 PM
Pioneer Aviation Meets: the ultimate X Games.

When one reads about those early flying displays in France it's mindboggling how they got away with it.

If the pilots weren't killing themselves they were taking out large crowds of people with them. And so what if the British Defense Minister gets killed at the start of the show when a plane crashes into him? He's got a deputy, right? Clear the bodies and let's start again in an hour!

11-28-2011, 12:08 PM
Hey Ryan, here's an aviation topic that has always distressed me and many others and needs addressing to better inform and educate the public: How the media, both print and broadcast, initially covers and reports general aviation accidents. Much more often than not, such reporting is highly sensationalized including factual distortions, misrepresentations and misinformation of what is or what is not known, opinion masquerading as fact and outrageous falsehoods. All of which leaves a highly negative impression in the minds of the non-flying public and another undeserved black mark on GA. By the time all the well investigated facts and truths are known and documented, the media is long gone from the story and those findings go unreported.

Good luck with your speech.

11-28-2011, 06:15 PM
Hey Ryan, here's an aviation topic that has always distressed me and many others and needs addressing to better inform and educate the public: How the media, both print and broadcast, initially covers and reports general aviation accidents. Much more often than not, such reporting is highly sensationalized including factual distortions, misrepresentations and misinformation of what is or what is not known, opinion masquerading as fact and outrageous falsehoods. All of which leaves a highly negative impression in the minds of the non-flying public and another undeserved black mark on GA. By the time all the well investigated facts and truths are known and documented, the media is long gone from the story and those findings go unreported. Good luck with your speech.That is a fantastic idea. I could provide an example or two myself.I am in the process of writing my second book and I will have a chapter on this in the new book.

11-29-2011, 12:54 PM
If you're in middle school, maybe an overview of the many kinds of things that *can* fly, from Jetman to jumbo jet.

If you're in secondary school, maybe something about barnstorming and how it changed the way we all think about flying.

If you're an undergrad, maybe the rivalry between Langley and Wrights, or between Curtiss and Wrights.

If you're in grad school ... interview John McGinnis? :-)